Symphony of Silence

1h 50m 2001

Brief Synopsis

Mel Divan is a successful American businessman. But long ago, he was AGjo (The Crazy Man) of Kond, an infamous criminal in Armenia. Life has been good since Mel's escape from the mental institution. Now with the rise of capitalism and upon learning he has a terminal illness, the time is right for Me

Film Details

Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 50m


Mel Divan is a successful American businessman. But long ago, he was AGjo (The Crazy Man) of Kond, an infamous criminal in Armenia. Life has been good since Mel's escape from the mental institution. Now with the rise of capitalism and upon learning he has a terminal illness, the time is right for Mel to return to Armenia. He will make good on an old promise. He plans on spending only a short time in Armenia. But, nostalgia and fate drives Mel, as the same mental institution from which he escaped is now on an auction block. Mel purchases it and finds refuge in running the psychiatric hospital while living among its eclectic residents. He devotes his last months to healing and redemption of sins by spreading the light around him into the hearts and minds of the hospital's patients. Mel will live his last days as a saint provided he can keep one step ahead of the Chief Psychiatrist and a local mob boss, as each has the desire to see a death sentence carried out on the old AGjo of Kond.

Film Details

Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 50m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States 2001

Released in United States January 2002

Shown at Palm Springs International Film Festival January 10-21, 2002.

Released in United States 2001

Released in United States January 2002 (Shown at Palm Springs International Film Festival January 10-21, 2002.)