Colonel Bunker

1h 43m 1996

Brief Synopsis

A dark political parable which shows the lengths to which an insanely paranoid regime will go to terrorize its own people. The story centers on Muro Neto, a professional soldier who becomes known as "Colonel Bunker" and is hired to organize an all-out economically devastating plan to build 700,000 s

Film Details

Also Known As
Kolonel Bunker
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 43m


A dark political parable which shows the lengths to which an insanely paranoid regime will go to terrorize its own people. The story centers on Muro Neto, a professional soldier who becomes known as "Colonel Bunker" and is hired to organize an all-out economically devastating plan to build 700,000 semi-subterranean bunkers--meant to "protect" the already improverished population of 3 million Albanians--just in case any of Albania's myriad of enemies decide to take hostile action against its own hard-line Stalinist regime.

Film Details

Also Known As
Kolonel Bunker
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 43m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States 1996

Released in United States November 1996

Shown at Montreal World Film Festival (in competition)_ August 22 - September 2, 1996.

Shown at Thessaloniki International Film Festival November 8-17, 1996.

Released in United States 1996 (Shown at Montreal World Film Festival (in competition)_ August 22 - September 2, 1996.)

Released in United States November 1996 (Shown at Thessaloniki International Film Festival November 8-17, 1996.)