The Mirror

1h 35m 1997

Brief Synopsis

Finding that her mother is not around to pick her up after school, the fiesty, young Mina Mohammad Khani decides to strike out on her own and tries to make her way home. As she navigates through the thoroughfares and passageways of the legenadry city, Mina gets on a bus, only to find she has taken it in the wrong direction. She finds that the people, sights and sounds that had always been familiar and comfortable now seem confusing and strange as she makes her way alone. After 40 minutes, the film becomes a semi-documentary as Mina decides she doesn't want to make the movie anymore and actually tries to find her way home. The film crew secretly follows her as she continues to wear a radio microphone. It is at this point that the perspective of the story shifts, the real life Mina--not the actress--charming, and strong-willed, takes the story into her own hands, thusly creating an insightful portrait of contemporary society and a young girl's place in the world.

Film Details

Also Known As
Ayneh, Mirror
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
Cowboy Pictures

Technical Specs

1h 35m


Finding that her mother is not around to pick her up after school, the fiesty, young Mina Mohammad Khani decides to strike out on her own and tries to make her way home. As she navigates through the thoroughfares and passageways of the legenadry city, Mina gets on a bus, only to find she has taken it in the wrong direction. She finds that the people, sights and sounds that had always been familiar and comfortable now seem confusing and strange as she makes her way alone. After 40 minutes, the film becomes a semi-documentary as Mina decides she doesn't want to make the movie anymore and actually tries to find her way home. The film crew secretly follows her as she continues to wear a radio microphone. It is at this point that the perspective of the story shifts, the real life Mina--not the actress--charming, and strong-willed, takes the story into her own hands, thusly creating an insightful portrait of contemporary society and a young girl's place in the world.

Film Details

Also Known As
Ayneh, Mirror
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
Cowboy Pictures

Technical Specs

1h 35m



Miscellaneous Notes

Winner of 1997 award for Best Foreign Language Film from the New York Film Critics Circle.

Winner of the Golden Leopard for Best Picture at the 1997 Locarno International Film Festival.

Winner of the Golden Tulip award at the 1998 Turkish Film Festival.

Released in United States 1997

Released in United States 1998

Released in United States August 1997

Released in United States December 1998

Released in United States Fall November 18, 1998

Released in United States March 19, 1999

Released in United States November 1997

Released in United States October 1997

Released in United States on Video June 19, 2001

Released in United States September 18, 1998

Released in United States September 1998

Shown at Arsenals International Film Forum in Riga, Latvia September 21-28, 1998.

Shown at Filmfest DC in Washington, DC April 22 - May 3,

Shown at International Festival of Young Cinema in Turin, Italy November 14-22, 1997.

Shown at Istanbul International Film Festival April 18 - May 3, 1998.

Shown at Locarno International Film Festival (in competition) August 6-16, 1997.

Shown at Mill Valley Film Festival October 2-12, 1997.

Shown at Montreal World Film Festival August 22 - September 2, 1997.

Shown at Rotterdam International Film Festival January 28 - February 8, 1998.

Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 21 - June 14, 1998.

Shown at Tokyo International Film Festival (Past Young Cinema Winners) November 1-10, 1997.


Released in United States 1997 (Shown at Montreal World Film Festival August 22 - September 2, 1997.)

Released in United States 1998 (Shown at Istanbul International Film Festival April 18 - May 3, 1998.)

Released in United States 1998 (Shown at Rotterdam International Film Festival January 28 - February 8, 1998.)

Released in United States 1998 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 21 - June 14, 1998.)

Released in United States March 19, 1999 (Nuart; Los Angeles)

Released in United States Fall November 18, 1998

Released in United States September 18, 1998 (Boston)

Released in United States November 1997 (Shown at International Festival of Young Cinema in Turin, Italy November 14-22, 1997.)

Released in United States September 1998 (Shown at Arsenals International Film Forum in Riga, Latvia September 21-28, 1998.)

Released in United States August 1997 (Shown at Locarno International Film Festival (in competition) August 6-16, 1997.)

Released in United States November 1997 (Shown at Tokyo International Film Festival (Past Young Cinema Winners) November 1-10, 1997.)

Released in United States December 1998 (Shown in New York City (Walter Reade) as part of program "Recent Iranian Cinema" December 1-2, 1998.)

Released in United States on Video June 19, 2001

Released in United States October 1997 (Shown at Mill Valley Film Festival October 2-12, 1997.)