Train Robbery Confidential

1h 30m 1965

Brief Synopsis

Trapped in their slum tenement, a gang of thieves and their selfish leader progress towards an inescapable confrontation.

Film Details

Also Known As
Assalto ao trem pagador, Tião Medonho
Release Date
Jun 1965
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Produções Cinematográficas Herbert Richers
Distribution Company
Times Film Corp.

Technical Specs

1h 30m


Six armed men, led by Tiao Medonho and Grilo Peru, dynamite a pay train on the Central Brazil Railway, killing several people and escaping with over 27 million cruzeiros. To avoid suspicion, the men agree to spend less than 10% of their shares. While the police slowly uncover the robbers' identities, Tiao's sudden wealth makes him conspicuous amidst his modest Rio de Janeiro surroundings. Grilo, who develops a penchant for expensive living in Copacabana, is killed by Tiao for squandering his money. The other robbers generally abide by the gang's pact, but as the police begin to close in, the men become nervous. After Tiao is fatally wounded while running away from the police, his wife relinquishes the stolen money and then returns to her children and their life of poverty.

Film Details

Also Known As
Assalto ao trem pagador, Tião Medonho
Release Date
Jun 1965
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Produções Cinematográficas Herbert Richers
Distribution Company
Times Film Corp.

Technical Specs

1h 30m




Filmed on location in Brazil in 1962. Brazilian titles: Assalto ao trem pagador and Tião Medonho.

Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States 1962

Released in United States November 1998

Shown at Musuem of Modern Art (Cinema Novo and Beyond) in New York City November 15 & 24, 1998.

Released in United States 1962

Released in United States November 1998 (Shown at Musuem of Modern Art (Cinema Novo and Beyond) in New York City November 15 & 24, 1998.)