The Long Shadow
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
William Zsigmond
Teomi Oded
Zoltan Gera
Michael York
Adel Kovats
Babi Neeman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Upon his father's death, a Hungarian stage actor travels to Israel for the funeral and meets his stepmother for the first time.
William Zsigmond
Ilan Apel
Zafi Arielli
Anat Avivi
Avi Avivi
Ilan Avizohar
Pamela Ayali
Rachel Balanga
Shahar Bar Adon
Meir Bar-ness
Shmuel Bejerano
Michael Ben-simchon
Yael Bone
Ronit Chayun
Asher Cohen
Avi Cohen
Yaacov Cohen
Janos Edelenyi
Janos Edelenyi
Dana Elbachri
Meir Elimelech
Zsofia Eordogh
Iftach Gabay
Joe Gantz
Gili Getter
Nimrod Getter
Dror Gur Arie
Hilik Gurfinkel
Avidan Hatuka
Meir Itzchak
Uri Itzchak
Csaba Kael
David Katanov
Boaz Katzenelson
Edna Lahau
Amos Lavie
Gyorgy Lendvai
Rakefet Levi
Gadi Levy
Karoly Magyar
Beni Malee
Osnat Margowsky
Sigura Meir
Efrat Meirav
Orit Michalou
Mari Miklós
Hingali Moshe
Franco Naim
Ronen Neeman
Itzchak Nuriani
Omri Ochayun
Ofer Orbach
Avner Peled
Shneor Ratzkowsky
Shimon Sabach
Paul Salamon
Paul Salamon
Pal Sandor
Richard Seale
Gyorgi Selmeczi
Itzchak Shriki
Istvan Sipos
Peter Somosi
Zvi Spielmann
Zvi Spielmann
Dionis Spynopolus
Gabor Szabo
Moti Toledano
Moti Toledano
Katalin Tomola
Tova Tzipin
Avner Urshalimy
Michal Warshavsky
Gabi Weismann
David Will
Yossi Yarkoni
Moshe Yochay
William M Zachman
Zeev Zigler
Eli Zion
Laszlo Zsoto
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1992
Released in United States February 1992
Shown at American Film Market (AFM) in Santa Monica February 27 - March 6, 1992.
Shown at Berlin Film Festival February 13-24, 1992.
Shown at Santa Barbara International Film Festival March 27 - April 5, 1992.
Directorial debut for cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond.
Began shooting April 2, 1991.
Completed shooting May 5, 1991.
Production in Israel was suspended after diplomats advised the cast and crew to leave the country due to the Persian Gulf war. Production had begun on December 6, 1990 and had an original wrap date of February 19, 1991 prior to suspension.
Released in United States 1992
Released in United States 1992 (Shown at American Film Market (AFM) in Santa Monica February 27 - March 6, 1992.)
Released in United States 1992 (Shown at Santa Barbara International Film Festival March 27 - April 5, 1992.)
Released in United States February 1992 (Film premiered in Budapest February 1992.)
Released in United States February 1992 (Shown at Berlin Film Festival February 13-24, 1992.)