The Exiles
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Richard Kaplan
Hanna Gray
Erich Leinsdorf
Hans Jonas
Edward Teller
Christiane Zimmer
Film Details
Technical Specs
A chronicle of the rescue of oppressed intellectuals and artists from Europe before the outbreak of World War II. It studies the cultural and intellectual impact of this emigre population on American life.
Richard Kaplan
Hanna Gray
Erich Leinsdorf
Hans Jonas
Edward Teller
Christiane Zimmer
Peter Selz
Robert Motherwell
Hans Speier
Dolly Haas
James Redfield
Adolph Lowe
Mary Jane Gold
Golo Mann
Leo Lowenthal
Hans Bethe
Wolfgang Roth
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Mario Salvadori
Helen Wolff
Henry Ehrmann
Bruno Bettelheim
Ernest Dichter
Konrad Kellen
Ralph Lerner

Rod Steiger
Franco Modigliani
H Stuart Hughes

Billy Wilder
Nuria Nono
Sabine Thomson
Hans Sahl
Peter Johnson
Alfred O Hirschman
Claire Ehrmann
Felicia Deyrup

Fritz Lang
Hans Bethe
Bruno Bettelheim
Dick Blofson
Anne Borin
Arthur Cunningham
Kit Davidson
Felicia Deyrup
Ernest Dichter
Claire Ehrmann
Henry Ehrmann
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Mary Jane Gold
Hanna Gray
Dolly Haas
Walter Hess
Alfred O Hirschman
H Stuart Hughes
Rob Issen
Peter Johnson
Hans Jonas
Richard Kaplan
Richard Kaplan
Richard Kaplan
Konrad Kellen
Laurent Lafran
Fritz Lang
Erich Leinsdorf
Ralph Lerner
Larry Loewinger
Adolph Lowe
Leo Lowenthal
Golo Mann
Peter G. Miller
Franco Modigliani
Robert Motherwell
Scott Nielson
Nuria Nono
Lou Potter
Lou Potter
James Redfield
Axel Reinhardt
Wolfgang Roth
Hans Sahl
Mario Salvadori
Peter Selz
Hans Speier
Rod Steiger
Horst Stroemer
Catherine Taylor
Dyanna Taylor
Edward Teller
Sabine Thomson
Billy Wilder
Gerd Willert
Helen Wolff
Christiane Zimmer
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Broadcast on WNET/Thirteen in New York City September 24, 1989.
Shown at Berlin Film Festival (Panorama) February 9-20, 1990.
Shown at Montreal World Film Festival August 24-September 4, 1989.
format 1.37
c Image Transform