The Spy
Cast & Crew
Otis Turner
Herbert Rawlinson
Edna Maison
Ella Hall
William Worthington
Edward Alexander
Film Details
Harvey Birch, a member of George Washington's household staff, leads people to believe that he is a Tory spy so that he may move freely among the British. Only Washington knows Birch's true loyalties and gives him a letter to that effect which Birch is only to use in the most exteme emergency. Birch needs to meet with Washington and thus allows himself to be arrested so that the General can personally question him. The General allows Birch to escape on his horse, but Major Dunwoodie, in love with Frances Wharton, whose family owns the neutral house which is the meeting place, offers a reward for his capture. Soon Frances' brother Henry, a British officer, comes to bid his family goodbye and, though seen by Washington, is allowed safe passage because of the peaceful intent of his visit. He is later observed crossing the lines in an American uniform, however, and Major Dunwoodie sadly must arrest him as a traitor. Birch then disguises himself as a minister and changes clothes with Henry, feeling that he alone should be punished as a spy. He does not produce Washington's letter, but at the last moment the General arrives and orders a search which reveals Birch's innocence.
Otis Turner
Herbert Rawlinson
Edna Maison
Ella Hall
William Worthington
Edward Alexander
Rex De Rosselli
J. W. Pike
Frank Lloyd
Film Details
A news item in Motion Picture News about Betty Harte lists The Spy as one of her screenplays, but Universal Weekly only lists Dayton as the scenarist.