La Reine Blanche
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jean-loup Hubert
Richard Bohringer
Catherine Deneuve
Jean Carmet
Bernard Giraudeau
Saphira Adam
Film Details
When a married man's best friend returns after twenty years and a voyage around the world they both have an opportunity to assess their lives and the paths each took.
Jean-loup Hubert
Saphira Adam
Bernard Aubouy
Franck Benezech
Alain Depardieu
Jean-marc Deschamps
Agathe Dupuis
Annick Francois
P Graffin
Raymonde Guyot
Nicole Heitzmann
Alain Herpe
Jean-loup Hubert
Claude Lecompte
Nathan Miller
Valerie Othnin-gerard
Max Pantera
Bernard Prim
Gill Robillard
H Ruet
Piotr Styczen
Claudine Taulere
P Vacheret
Film Details
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States November 1991
Shown at Sarasota French Film Festival November 14-18, 1991.
The debut feature by CIBY 2000, founded by French construction magnate Francis Bouygues.
Began shooting June 18, 1990.
Completed shooting September 4, 1991.
Released in United States November 1991 (Shown at Sarasota French Film Festival November 14-18, 1991.)