Under Northern Lights


Film Details

Release Date
Aug 1920
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
United States


Douglas MacLeod of the Royal North West Mounted Police is in love with Suzanne Foucharde, who has adopted an abandoned Indian baby, the illegitimate child of Louis La Rocque and Na Fa Kowa. When La Rocque insinuates that the baby is Suzanne's, her brother Henry defends his sister's honor and kills the villain. In spite of his love for Suzanne, it is Douglas' duty to arrest Henry. He does so, but later allows him to escape, taking the bullet himself that was fired after Henry by Constable Burke. Meanwhile, the dead body of Na Fa Kowa is found, accompanied by a note proving that the Indian was the baby's mother. In the spring, when Douglas recovers from his wounds, he and Suzanne are married.

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 1920
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
United States




Moving Picture World called this film Under Northern Skys (sic). Some scenes for this film were shot in Bear Valley, CA.