Beyond the Great Wall


Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1967
Premiere Information
New York showing: 24 Aug 1967
Production Company
Shaw Brothers (H. K.) Ltd.
Distribution Company
Frank Lee International
Hong Kong


A Chinese emperor, who chooses his favorites from their portraits, is misled into ignoring the presence of a beautiful concubine in his palace because she refuses to bribe the court artist to paint an accurate likeness. The emperor meets the woman by chance and falls in love with her, forcing the artist to flee and seek protection with the Huns. For revenge, the artist presents the Hun leader with an accurate portrait of the woman, telling him that the emperor offers her in marriage. The emperor's enraged treatment of the Hun's emissaries and wedding gifts rouses the chieftain to send his army against the emperor. Seeking to avert bloodshed, the woman offers to marry the Hun chieftain, who showers her with gifts and affection and orders the artist's execution. The woman extracts pledges of peace and drowns herself on the eve of her wedding.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1967
Premiere Information
New York showing: 24 Aug 1967
Production Company
Shaw Brothers (H. K.) Ltd.
Distribution Company
Frank Lee International
Hong Kong

