The Story the Biograph Told

3m 1904

Cast & Crew

A. E. Weed


Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.; Kleine Optical Co.
United States

Technical Specs

Film Length


Biograph summary: At the opening of the picture the office of a moving picture concern is shown. A moving picture camera is brought in by an operator and the office boy learns how it operates. Soon the proprietor starts to dictate his morning mail, but becomes more interested in the typewriter and is soon making love to her. The office boy seizes the opportunity to make a moving picture of the love scene. While this is going on the proprietor's wife calls him up on the 'phone, and by a dissolving effect the wife is shown at the 'phone while the husband with the girl in his lap is talking at the other end, the small boy in the meantime grinding away at the camera. The next scene shows the proprietor and his wife at the theatre. The Biograph is on, and among the pictures shown is the love scene between the proprietor and his stenographer. The wife, of course, is greatly enraged, and the couple leave the house. The next scene shows the office again. The wife comes in with a young man stenographer and insists upon the discharge of the girl. The girl leaves, but not before attempting to bid farewell to her former employer which, of course, results in another scene. The scene is very well done throughout and full of good comedy.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.; Kleine Optical Co.
United States

Technical Specs

Film Length

