What Happened in the Tunnel

What Happened in the Tunnel

Cast & Crew

Edwin S. Porter


Film Details

Release Date
Nov 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.
United States


Edison summary: Scene, interior of railroad coach. Pretty young lady and negress maid occupy seat. Young man in rear seat tries to attract young lady's attention. She drops her handkerchief. Young man picks it up and hands it to her, and then begins to make love to her. As the train enters a tunnel he is last seen trying to put his arms around her. Upon emerging he is hugging and kissing the colored maid, the young lady having changed seats with her while in the tunnel, much to the young man's disgust.

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.
United States

