Silent Men
Cast & Crew
D. Ross Lederman
Tim Mccoy
Florence Britton
J. Carrol Naish
Wheeler Oakman
Joseph Girard
Film Details
Technical Specs

Cowboy Tim Richards escapes from jail after having been framed and convicted of a crime he did not commit. He obtains a job checking cattle brands for feisty rancher "Two Block" Burnett, and quickly becomes entangled in a feud between Burnett and ranchers Ed and Jack Wilder. Ed and Jack mistakenly believe that Burnett killed their father, and so have been rustling his cattle with the help of their foreman, Carl Lawler. Meanwhile, Tim falls in love with Wynne, Ed and Jack's sister, and is prevented from stopping the rustling by Lawler, who was a former cellmate of Tim and is now threatening to reveal his past to Wynne if he does not keep silent. Tim tells his story to Oscar Sikes, the lawyer for the Cattlemen's Association, but Sikes does not act on the information. Soon after, Tim is framed for the murder of "Coyote" Cotter, an old drunk who had offered to provide Tim with information concerning the mysterious disappearance of one of Burnett's ranch hands. Tim is arrested by Sheriff Vic Green but escapes jail with the help of Ed, who explains that while the Wilders may be rustlers, they do not condone murder and need Tim's help solving the mystery of Cotter's death. Their first discovery is that Burnett has disappeared, and suspecting that Sikes is involved, Tim questions him. The lawyer is on the verge of confessing but instead attempts suicide, after which Green bursts in. Tim compels him to confess that he, Sikes and Lawler have been double-crossing both Burnett and the Wilders, and that Lawler is holding Burnett at Cotter's cabin. Tim and Ed ride to the cabin, where the drunken Lawler has been beating Burnett and preparing to kill him by setting the cabin on fire. Just after Lawler reveals that he killed Cotter and the missing cowboy, he starts the fire. Ed arrives at the cabin first and is shot by Lawler. Tim appears and outdraws Lawler, then rescues Burnett and Ed, who has been blinded by the fire. Wynne rides up and learns that Tim has been cleared of all the charges against him, then happily joins him in a declaration of love.


D. Ross Lederman
Tim Mccoy
Florence Britton

J. Carrol Naish

Wheeler Oakman
Joseph Girard
Matthew Betz

William V. Mong

Lloyd Ingraham

Walter Brennan
Steve Clark

Film Details
Technical Specs

Harrrison's Reports reviewed the film as Silent Man. According to modern sources, the cast also included Sid Saylor.