The Sea Rider
Cast & Crew
Edwin L. Hollywood
Harry T. Morey
Webster Campbell
Van Dyke Brooke
Alice Calhoun
Louiszita Valentine
Film Details
Technical Specs

Fisherman Stephen Hardy has loved Bess Halcomb since she was a child, so when her father dies he feels it his duty to look after Captain Halcomb's family. Returning home from a long voyage, Stephen learns that his brother Tom has seduced Bess in his absence. Then, after forcing Tom to marry Bess, Stephen buys a boat, called the Trenton , and sails away. Some time later, while anchored in New York harbor, Stephen sees a young woman jump into the water and rescues her. She relates a story of betrayed love similar to his own experience, and he is drawn to her, providing her refuge aboard the Trenton . When the Trenton takes on a load of explosives, Stephen insists that the girl go ashore. Before the boat sails, however, Stephen is confronted by Tom, who has left Bess and, Stephen discovers, is also the betrayer of the girl. In the ensuing fight between the brothers, a lamp is overturned and the vessel catches fire. Tom drowns, but Stephen and the girl escape to safety and face a happy future together.

Edwin L. Hollywood
Harry T. Morey
Webster Campbell
Van Dyke Brooke

Alice Calhoun
Louiszita Valentine
Frank Norcross

Film Details
Technical Specs

According to a news item, Harry Morey leaped into the waters of Prince's Bay, Long Island to rescue Webster Campbell, who jumped in during filming of the fire scene and suffered cramps in both legs. Wid's erroneously called this film The Sea Raider.