The Fighting Roosevelts
Cast & Crew
William Nigh
Francis J. Noonan
Herbert Bradshaw
E. J. Ratcliffe
Russell Simpson
Henry Carvil
Film Details

At age five, Theodore Roosevelt defends himself with skill and determination for a childish misdeed, but nonetheless, receives a spanking from his father. While at Harvard, Roosevelt, a not very robust youth with poor eyesight, hunts in Maine and forms a life-long friendship with his guide. After law school, he becomes the youngest member of the New York State Legislature, where he fights Albany crooks. He goes West to build up his constitution working on a ranch, and returns to become New York City's Police Commissioner. Soon he becomes Mayor, Governor, and then Assistant Secretary to the Navy. During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt joins the Rough Riders with his cowboy friends, and leads the charge up San Juan Hill. Becoming President after McKinley's assassination, Roosevelt tells the Kaiser to stay out of Venezuela and issues an ultimatum on Nicaragua. He promotes Captain John J. Pershing and Lieutenant William Sowden Sims. Retiring to Oyster Bay, Roosevelt writes about America. His four sons fight in the World War, one of whom dies.

William Nigh
Francis J. Noonan
Herbert Bradshaw
E. J. Ratcliffe
Russell Simpson
Henry Carvil

Film Details

The film opened in New York on January 19, 1919. The title was changed to Our Teddy in February 1919. The scenario for this film was approved by Theodore Roosevelt. He approved the final film just one week before his death. Director Nigh was given access to Roosevelt's libraries, albums, and diaries. Roosevelt stated that the profits should go to the Red Cross or to other patriotic organizations. Newsreel footage of Roosevelt is included.