

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 17, 1917
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Lewis J. Selznick Enterprises, Inc.; Selznick Pictures
Distribution Company
Select Pictures Corp.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel Scandal by Cosmo Hamilton (Boston, 1917).


Beatrix Vanderdyke, an irresponsible young heiress, creates a scandal with her indiscreet visits to artist Sutherland Yorke. To extricate herself, Beatrix claims that she was actually visiting Pelham Franklyn who has an apartment in the same building and to whom, she states, she is secretly married. Pelham, an old friend, is dumbfounded by the news, but continues the ruse for Beatrix's sake. That night, he accompanies his new bride to her bedroom, but after alarming her, announces that she is quite safe and retreats. After the marriage announcement is published in the paper, the couple is compelled to continue their deception, finally taking an enforced honeymoon cruise on Pelham's yacht. Meanwhile, Yorke has been sending anonymous letters to the family which cast doubt upon the marriage. Upon returning from his honeymoon, Pelham, who has fallen in love with his bride, discovers this and goes to Yorke's apartment, arriving just as the scoundrel has been shot by a jealous husband. Before dying, Yorke writes an apology to Beatrix. Pelham then kidnaps Beatrix, and the two are married at sea.

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 17, 1917
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Lewis J. Selznick Enterprises, Inc.; Selznick Pictures
Distribution Company
Select Pictures Corp.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel Scandal by Cosmo Hamilton (Boston, 1917).




This was Constance Talmadge's first picture for Select. This picture was later adapted into a stage play in 1919.