The Raggedy Queen
Cast & Crew
Theodore Marston
Violet Mersereau
Grace Barton
Donald Hall
Robert F. Hill
Charles Slattery
Film Details
Technical Specs
Tatters, a waif in a mining camp, is convinced that she is descended from royalty. In the mining town where Tatters lives, Lem Braxton is agitating labor unrest in the mines owned by Hugh Tillson. Tillson dispatches his secretary, David Grant, to settle with the men, and Braxton, in an effort to prevent a settlement, throws Grant from a cliff. Tatters finds him, and with the help of her friend "Crazy Anne," carries Grant home and nurses him back to health. Meanwhile, Tillson, alarmed by Grant's disappearance, comes to search for him. Braxton, crazed, determines to rid himself of Tillson by undermining the shack in which the mine's office is located when Grant and Tatters warn Tillson of the danger. Tillson escapes, but Tatters is injured in the collapse and makes her way to Anne's cabin. Tillson comes to thank the little girl who saved his life and recognizes in her the replica of his actress wife, "the Queen of Bohemia," who had left him years earlier.
Theodore Marston
Film Details
Technical Specs
The mining scenes in this film were shot in the Pennsylvania coal fields.