North of Hudson Bay


Brief Synopsis

Michael Dane è in viaggio su di un battello diretto al Nord, per raggiungere il fratello che ha scoperto l'oro. Qui conosce Estelle Mac Donald e se ne innamora. Arrivando all'agenzia commerciale canadese, scopre che il fratello è stato ucciso e che il suo socio è stato processato e condannato a morte per il delitto. Ma il giovane non è convinto della colpevolezza dell'uomo e decide allora di mettersi alla ricerca del vero colpevole. Riuscirà nell'intento : il vero assassino è lo zio di Estelle, che perde la vita nel tentativo di sottrarsi alla vendetta di Michael.

Film Details

Also Known As
Journey of death
Release Date
Nov 18, 1923
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.33 : 1
Film Length
4,973ft (5 reels)


Rancher Michael Dane goes to northern Canada to join his brother, Peter, who has struck gold with his partner, Angus McKenzie. En route, Dane meets and falls in love with Estelle McDonald. Arriving at the trading post, Dane discovers that Peter has been murdered. Local authorities accuse McKenzie and summarily sentence him to walk the "death trail," a kind of torture involving starvation and exposure in which the prisoner is made to walk, accompanied by guards, until he dies. Dane becomes an object of the same torture when he tries to help the wrongfully accused man. They both escape, and Dane gets into a terrific fight with a pack of wolves. Estelle follows the group in a canoe, pursued by Cameron McDonald, her uncle, who is the real murderer of Peter Dane. McDonald dies after a thrilling chase over a waterfall, and Dane and Estelle escape to civilization.

Film Details

Also Known As
Journey of death
Release Date
Nov 18, 1923
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.33 : 1
Film Length
4,973ft (5 reels)




The working title of this film was Journey of Death.