The Supreme Test


Film Details

Release Date
Nov 29, 1915
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.; A Broadway Universal Feature
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "The Supreme Test" by L. V. Jefferson (publication undetermined).


Violet Logan, a rich widow who wants to help the poor, invites her friend, Madge Semple, to go with her on a tour of the city slums. Dragging along her misogynistic brother James, Madge encounters Molly Phelan and her sweetheart Maurice. To the horror of her society acquaintances, Violet brings Molly to a lavish reception where Molly mischievously undertakes to bring together James and the widow. After Holmes, Violet's trustee, misinvests her money, she finds herself penniless and goes to live with Molly's family. James, the innocent primary beneficiary of Violet's financial misfortune, quietly arranges a trust fund for her while she discovers that Molly actually is James's lost daughter from an early tragic marriage. The young couple and Madge set out to reunite Violet with her money, and in the process, James learns the truth about Molly. After a series of misunderstandings, James and Violet agree to wed and a new family is born.

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 29, 1915
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.; A Broadway Universal Feature
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "The Supreme Test" by L. V. Jefferson (publication undetermined).

