The Matrimonial Web


Film Details

Release Date
Oct 2, 1921
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Vitagraph Co. of America
United States


Revenue Officer Anderson is informed that opium smugglers are operating in his district. He and his assistant, Gregory, are unable to locate a wireless used by the criminals, but his daughter, Helen, offers her aid. Meanwhile, at Cyrus Blake's summer residence, Blake remarks that if a woman is betrayed by a man, he is duty-bound to protect her with his name. His son, Harvey, arrives home from college but escapes the houseparty by retiring to a nearby island. Helen, finding him suspicious, follows to investigate. At the party, Mrs. Sanborn, in desperate circumstances, plots to have her daughter, Dorothy, spend the night with Harvey on the island, thus forcing a marriage. Thinking Harvey is the smuggler, Helen conceals herself in his cabin and there finds the wireless; she prevents the forced marriage and helps capture the real smuggler.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 2, 1921
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Vitagraph Co. of America
United States

