Heads Win
Cast & Crew
Preston Kendall
Baby Ivy Ward
Harry Levey
G. Lynn Sumner
Film Details

James Godfrey, a lathe hand in a large electrical company, holds the view that success depends on luck rather than on concerted effort. He has drifted from position to position without pursuing one field, and puts just enough energy into his work to hold a job. After he is turned down in his application for a better position, he argues with his boss and loses his job. With his little daughter seriously ill, and his bills piling up, James gets back his old place at the lathe just as his funds become used up. His wife, whose love has never strayed, encourages James to study at home. James' work improves. His studying proves useful to his fellow workmen. When the mechanism of the city's most important swinging bridge is damaged, James discovers the problem, fixes it and averts a crisis. Because of his studying, James is soon promoted to assistant superintendent.

Film Details

Harry Levey was the manager of Universal's Educational Department. The film was made by Levey for the International Correspondence Schools and distributed to exhibitors as a special feature on the basis of a contract between that company and the Motion Picture Exhibitors of America, whereby the exhibitors received direct payments from the company and the company received a substantial percentage of the gross. According to a contemporary news item, the film was the first five reel educational drama ever made.