The Happiness of Three Women
Cast & Crew
William D. Taylor
House Peters
Myrtle Stedman
L. W. Steers
Daisy Robinson
William Hutchinson
Film Details

Billy Craig, who has promised his fiancée that she will be the first to ride in his new car, and Constance Barr, whose husband Mark is insanely jealous of her, meet at the railroad station and, upon finding that the passengers they were expecting did not arrive, take a drive in the country. Becoming lost, they are unable to return until after midnight. On their journey, they meet Judas Fletcher, an old friend who works at the bank. The following day, the night watchman accuses Fletcher of robbing the bank, and Mrs. Fletcher appeals to Craig to help her husband. Realizing that providing an alibi for the cashier would expose Constance and endanger his relationship with his sweetheart, Craig is unsure what to do. In a quandary, he cross examines the night watchman and discovers that the watchman committed the crime, thus saving the happiness of three women.

William D. Taylor
House Peters
Myrtle Stedman
L. W. Steers
Daisy Robinson
William Hutchinson
Lucille Ward
Milton Brown

Film Details