Little Miss Optimist
Cast & Crew
Robert Thornby
Vivian Martin
Tom Moore
Charles West
Ernest Joy
Charles Gerard
Film Details
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Mazie-Rosie Carden, a waif who pays her board by selling papers on the street, saves the life of starving musician Deal Hendrie by giving him her cherished "lucky dime." Meanwhile, Mazie's brother, Ben Carden, employed as a weigh master by the West coal company, has been discharged on a trumped up accusation by the company's manager, Samuel Winter, of having falsified weights. Later, West finds proof of Winter's false records, summons him to the house and, after a fight, is killed by his employee. Ben, induced by Mazie to go to West and say that he has been falsely accused, arrives in time to see Winter robbing the body of his employer and taking Mazie's dime, which Hendrie had lost. Winter attacks Ben, knocks him unconscious and escapes, but is seen by Mazie. The next Sunday, while at the church where Hendrie is employed as an organist, Mazie sees Winter contributing the lucky dime and accuses him of murder before the whole congregation. Mazie's accusation is corroborated by her brother Ben, who has regained conciousness to testify against Winter, and all ends happily when Hendrie proposes to Mazie.
Robert Thornby
Film Details
Technical Specs
This was Vivian Martin's first release under Paramount's new booking plan. Alternate titles of the original story were "Susie-Rosie" and "One Dime."