The Inner Shrine


Film Details

Release Date
Jun 14, 1917
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co.
Distribution Company
Paramount Pictures Corp.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel The Inner Shrine by Basil King (New York, 1909).


Upon coming into her inheritance, Diane Winthrop does just what her guardian Derek Pruyn had feared she would: she marries the Viscount D'Arcourt, an impecunious French nobleman. After the wedding, the Viscount turns to his mistress, and it becomes clear to Diane that he married her for her fortune. Diane seeks solace in the company of the Marquis de Bienville who, desiring more than her company, contrives to ruin Diane's reputation by detaining her all night in his chateau. This incident precipitates a duel between the viscount and the marquis, in which the viscount commits suicide. Fearing that he will be charged with murder, the marquis flees France and goes to South America where he meets Derek, stricken with fever and raving in his delirium of Diane. The marquis learns that Derek had always loved Diane but repressed his emotions because of the difference in their ages. Finally Derek recovers, the marquis tells him the truth about his affair with Diane, and Derek and Diane are reunited.

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 14, 1917
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co.
Distribution Company
Paramount Pictures Corp.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel The Inner Shrine by Basil King (New York, 1909).

