The Man of Shame


Film Details

Release Date
Oct 11, 1915
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.; A Broadway Universal Feature
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel The Shadow of Roger Laroque by Jules Mary (publication undetermined).

Technical Specs

Black and White
Film Length
5 reels


After Roger Laroque maims Louversan, his look-alike, in an honorable duel during the Franco-Prussian War, Louversan swears revenge on his better. In Paris, Roger falls in love with Julia, who he later discovers is married to Lucien, his close army friend. Out of duty to Lucien, Roger ends the affair and leaves for the country where he meets and marries Marie Greville, his uncle's ward. Furious at Roger's desertion, Julia vows revenge and joins forces with Louversan. Now a bank owner, Roger is manipulated out of 100,000 francs by Julia and then is framed for the murder of one of his rich clients, who was actually the victim of Louversan. With the aid of Marie, Roger escapes from prison and, determined to clear his name, entices Julia to meet him in his hiding place. Followed by Louversan, the still enamored Julia intercepts a bullet intended for Roger and confesses to the police before dying. Louversan is jailed and Roger reunites with his family.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 11, 1915
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.; A Broadway Universal Feature
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel The Shadow of Roger Laroque by Jules Mary (publication undetermined).

Technical Specs

Black and White
Film Length
5 reels




Some scenes for this film were shot in Quebec, Canada.