Madame Behave


Film Details

Also Known As
Al Christie's {q}Madame behave{q}, Madame Lucy
Release Date
Dec 6, 1925
Premiere Information
Boston premiere: ca21 Nov 1925
Production Company
Christie Film Co.
Distribution Company
Producers Distributing Corp.
United States
Screenplay Information
unidentified play. by Jean Arlette.


M. T. House threatens to dispossess Dick Corwin and Jack Mitchell if they do not pay their rent by noon. The boys decide to "touch" Dick's uncle, Seth Corwin, who is suing M. T. House in court. (Dick loves Gwen Townley, Corwin's ward, while Jack is in love with Gwen's chum, Laura.) The case is postponed for 2 weeks so that an unknown woman, the principal witness, can be found. Corwin's lawyer urges him to marry the mystery woman, since a wife cannot testify against her husband; and Dick is assigned the task of finding her. M. T. House overhears the scheme and decides to marry her himself. Jack is mistaken for a burglar and evades capture by disguising himself as a woman. The deception is so successful that Dick urges Jack to pose as the unknown woman, "Madame Behave." After various complications, Corwin and M. T. House are reconciled, while the young folks participate in a double wedding.

Film Details

Also Known As
Al Christie's {q}Madame behave{q}, Madame Lucy
Release Date
Dec 6, 1925
Premiere Information
Boston premiere: ca21 Nov 1925
Production Company
Christie Film Co.
Distribution Company
Producers Distributing Corp.
United States
Screenplay Information
unidentified play. by Jean Arlette.




Title also rendered: Al Christie's "Madame Behave." The working title of this film was Madame Lucy.