

Film Details

Release Date
Mar 1923
Premiere Information
not available
Distribution Company
Mastodon Films
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "Luck" by Jackson Gregory in People's Magazine (publication date undetermined).


Wagering $100,000 that he can start with nothing and earn $10,000 in a year, Robert Carter starts out in his track suit and proceeds through a series of adventures in pursuit of his goal. In a case of mistaken identity Bob gets involved in a prizefight, uses his winnings to start a new town, unsuccessfully holds a dance to earn more money, and finally wins Judge Templeton's confidence when he rescues Sylvia Templeton from a mine cave-in. The judge gives his blessing to the real estate development, thereby enabling Bob to sell his property and win his bet just as the year ends.

Film Details

Release Date
Mar 1923
Premiere Information
not available
Distribution Company
Mastodon Films
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "Luck" by Jackson Gregory in People's Magazine (publication date undetermined).

