The Amazon Trader
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tom Mcgowan
John Sutton
Zygmunt Sulistrowski
Yves Manciet
Anthony Ryan
Maitland Stewart
Film Details
Approximately two hundred miles upriver from Manaus, Brazil, the Amazon Trader has an outpost, where he trades for diamonds, the poisonous medicine curare and other native goods. "No two days are alike," he says, and then describes other odd jobs he has undertaken: arranging with native tribes for an expedition or missionary to enter their lands, acting as a communication liaison between those inside the jungle and those outside, searching for missing husbands, or rescuing unscrupulous husbands who try to rob the natives. In this exotic place, he is privy to many stories which he likes to tell. First, the Trader tells about Fairing, a young explorer who gets lost from his expedition: After drinking poisoned water, he becomes feverish and would have died, had he not been rescued by a tribe of Indians. They take him to their village, where he is barely aware of the ritual they perform on his behalf. He is given a mysterious substance from a clay plot to eat and for a while, he thinks he sees his body separate from the rest of him. Soon, however, he is well, and although he asks about the contents of the clay pot, no one will tell him its secret. The Trader expects that Fairing, who is now head of a well-known hospital, will someday return in search of the mysterious cure. Although there are two-hundred and forty tribes in the jungle, speaking thirty-seven languages, the various tribes respect their differing customs and taboos. Outsiders are not always so respectful, according to the Trader. He recalls a married couple who seek a strange tribe never seen by a white man and are hoping to finance their expedition by selling photographs of the tribesmen and articles about their experiences in the jungle: As the river they are canoeing narrows, they hear drums and find a cotton ball dyed red that is stuck on the tip of a war spear. Their native guides, who understand the warning, explain that the tip of the spear is poisoned, but the couple is not afraid. Later, the group encounters feathers arranged in a pattern that announces a death sentence if not heeded. The guides abandon the couple, who insist that they want to have at least one picture for their troubles. The Trader will say only that the couple meet with a "sudden ending to months of trial and expectancy." That story reminds the Trader of another, about the Dollsons: Mr. Dollson is a naturalist studying butterflies, which amuses the natives, who consider chasing the insect a child's pleasure. Mrs. Dollson, a woman of high social standing, yearns for adventure and surprises the natives by shooting game, a male activity which sets a bad example for the native women who let their men do the hunting. She further aggravates her neighbors when she shoots a coatimundi, which the natives consider a pet, and a domestic pig. When bringing home the supper she has just shot, Mrs. Dollson sees piranhas swimming toward a child overturned in a canoe. Thinking quickly, she lures the piranhas away by throwing the dead animal into the river. The deadly fish swim toward the blood, the child is saved, and Mrs. Dollson's actions earn her the respect of the village. Now the tribesmen proudly accompany her on jungle hunts and the women of the village help her husband catch butterflies. According to the Trader, ritual torture is common in the jungle. The Trader tells of a tribe who paints their bodies red with the ruku plant: To prove their worthiness, tribesmen are wrapped in a mat imbedded with drugged wasps. When the wasps recover from the drug, they sting the victim for hours. This procedure is administered to the tribesman, who must not cry out, by an older woman. The Trader concedes that the jungle is a beautiful place, but just a few miles off the coast is the now-closed infamous prison on Devil's Island. He then relates the story of a man who escaped from Devil's Island: If a prisoner manages to escape, he is never chased. It is assumed that, without food, weapons or proper clothing, the prisoner will die in the waters or in the jungle. However, the murderous thief Laban escapes and, by luck, encounters members of an Indian village. At first the tribe accepts him into their village and he attempts to befriend them. Then he witnesses a ceremony, during which a woman displays gold and jewels. Later, when he is alone, Laban steals the barrels that he believes contain the treasure. Although he hopes to reach civilization, Laban is unable to travel alone, safe from the dangers of the jungle. Unaware that the Indians replaced the treasure with rocks, Laban finds his cargo increasingly heavy. Returning to the safety of the village, Laban plans to tell the natives that he has merely gone on a short trip. However, when he arrives, the village is deserted and an old woman waits for him, ready to punish him for betraying their trust. According to the Trader, the tribe was known for making shrunken heads. Another man, the missing husband the Trader has been asked to rescue, paddles down river with loot he stole from Indians. As the Indians catch up with the man, the Trader guesses that he may not find them to be "pleasant companions." The Trader continues, "You see, there's no in-between out here. In my big back yard you either win or you lose. For some, the Amazon is their green mansion; for others, a green hell." He closes with an invitation: "If you ever come this way, look me up."
Tom Mcgowan
Film Details
Although the film was not viewed, onscreen credits were obtained from an official Warner Bros. cutting continuity. According to the continuity, John Sutton's character credit reads "as the Amazon Trader." The continuity also stated that the film's credits bore the statement "photographed entirely in the Amazon regions of South America." There is a copyright statement on the continuity, but the film was not included in the copyright catalog. The summary was constructed based on dialogue transcripts and plot synopses found at the Warner Bros. Archives at the USC Cinema-Television Library, and from reviews. According to the dialogue transcript, the film consisted of several tales woven together by Sutton's in character narration. The film contained little dialogue and Sutton's voice-over narration was heard throughout. A November 1956 New York Post article stated that the "wife" saved a child who has overturned in his canoe by throwing her freshly-caught game into a river full of piranhas. A November 1956 New York Herald Tribune described the ritual ceremony witnessed by "Laban," who was played by Yves Manciet, as a "Moon Goddess Ceremony" and reported that "nothing conclusive ever really happens, unless the thief's shrunken head can be accepted as a factual conclusion."
According to an August 1956 New York Times article, director Tom McGowan was a nineteen-year-old employed by Cedric Francis, who was then head of Warner Bros.' short subject department. The article stated that Sutton spent three and a half months in the Brazilian jungle between September and December 1955 to shoot the film and that additional footage was shot there in February 1956. Notes found in Warner Bros. Archive reveal that Agostinho Liebst, who portrayed a missionary in film, was in real life, head of a mission in Belem, Paraguay.
In its production notes and in the New York Times review, Warner Bros. described The Amazon Trader as "documentary fiction." Reviews for the film stated that it launched a new featurette series by Warner Bros. According to an August 1956 New York Times article, the studio was looking "closely for signs that the public might be ready to accept the featurette as a substitute for the customary" second billing offered on double bills. The article noted that studio head Jack L. Warner had given permission for four more films of that nature to be made and, according to a September 1956 Los Angeles Herald Express, the film Manhunt in the Jungle was the second film to be made.
As early as October 1955, according to a letter from Francis to McGowan found in the Warner Bros. archives, the studio was considering making a television series with McGowan's footage for possible airing on the ABC network, and in January 1956 a television series was announced in a Los Angeles Times news item. In January 1956, Los Angeles Times announced that Sutton was to reprise his role in the series, and Warner Bros. files indicates that some story development and pre-production work was done on proposed episodes, but no further evidence has been found to confirm that the series ever aired.
Although the Daily Variety and Hollywood Reporter reviews noted that the film was a good "supporter for regular dual bills" and "not the kind of picture...that will bring people into the theatre," the New York Times review reported, "It might interest future historians, perhaps, that [the film] was the main horse d'oerve in a mixture of newsreel clips, cartoons and short subjects."