The Fast Freight


Cast & Crew

Helen Holmes

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1926
Premiere Information
London, England opening: 15 Aug 1927
Production Company
Rayart Pictures Corp.
United States


A young woman named Helen rejects Blake, her engineer sweetheart, and instead marries Slade. Slade turns out to be a criminal and is imprisoned when his and Helen's son is five years old. Trying to support her child, Helen obtains a job in a railroad settlement and there meets Blake again. When Slade escapes from prison, he goes to Helen and forces her to hide him. The child runs to Blake for help and arrives in time to save Helen from her husband's attack. Eventually, the police arrive and Slade is shot while resisting arrest, thus freeing Helen to marry Blake.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1926
Premiere Information
London, England opening: 15 Aug 1927
Production Company
Rayart Pictures Corp.
United States




Credit and plot information for this film was obtained from a review in Kinematograph Weekly, a British trade publication. Although listed in records of the NYSA and Film Daily Year Book as a 1926 Rayart Pictures release, no additional information about the production or American exhibition has been located.