Fangs of the Wild
Cast & Crew
Jerome Storm
Dorothy Kitchen
Sam Nelson
Tom Lingham
Syd Crossley
Film Details
Technical Specs
Blossom, a girl of the Kentucky hills, has a drunkard father who forces her to accept the attentions of oafish Rufe Anderson, a superstitious mountain man who hates and fears Blossom's dog, Ranger. Anderson fails at his several attempts to do away with Ranger; each time Anderson feels safe in attacking Blossom, Ranger appears, having escaped his peril, to save her. Larry Holbrook, representative of a railroad, arrives to purchase Blossom's land for his company, and he falls in love with her. Anderson steals the cash payment from Larry before he has a chance to deliver it, then hurls him over a cliff. Ranger saves Larry and recovers the money, while Blossom's father comes to his senses and sends Anderson packing.