Captain Kidd, Jr.
Cast & Crew
William D. Taylor
Mary Pickford
Douglas Maclean
Spottiswoode Aitken
Robert Gordon
Winter Hall
Film Details

Willie Carleton's grandfather puts his will inside a book about pirates and their buried treasure. After his death, the book is mistakenly sold to a used bookstore run by Angus MacTavish, who lives with his granddaughter Mary and Jim Gleason, a young author who loves Mary. Accompanied by lawyer John Brent and secretary Marion Fisher, Willie tries to buy back the book, but Mary has already discovered the paper that shows where a treasure is buried. Willie agrees to share the treasure with the MacTavishes in return for help in digging it up. Pretending to be geologists, they dig up an old farm now owned by Lem Butterfield. Suspicions grow and the town constable keeps a close watch on the proceedings. The box is finally found and contains a note stating that the treasure is a supply of good health which is bound to be gained by digging up the farm. Back in the city Willie discovers that the hunt was only a test. John Brent had been holding Willie's fortune in trust. Mary buys the farm and then sells it at a huge profit. Jim Gleason sells one of his novels and he and Mary become engaged.

William D. Taylor

Mary Pickford
Douglas Maclean
Spottiswoode Aitken
Robert Gordon
Winter Hall
Marcia Manon
Victor Potel
Vin Moore
William Hutcheson
Clarence Geldart

Film Details

Sources conflict concerning the spelling of the name of the actor playing "Lemuel Butterfield." Reviews list him as William Hutcheson, while studio records list him as William Hutchison. The 1918 MPSD lists an actor named William Hutchinson.