The Girl-Woman


Film Details

Also Known As
Belinda Puts Her Hair Up
Release Date
Aug 25, 1919
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Vitagraph Co. of America
Distribution Company
Vitagraph Co. of America
United States


Although she is seventeen, Belinda is treated as a child in the Southern village where she lives with her supposed father, Judge Lee. Frustrated, she arranges a "growing-up" party and appears, to her guests' astonishment, as a young woman in a long dress and with her hair up. That night, escaped convict Sanford goes to Judge Lee's home for revenge because the judge had ruled against him. When Sanford discovers that Belinda is his child, he convinces her that, although convicted, he is innocent of murdering a bank employee. Belinda, with the help of her sweetheart Bob, hides him when the police come and then goes to New York with him to track down the lover of the bank president. After Belinda arranges for detectives to overhear the lover's confession that the bank president is the murderer, Sanford is acquitted and Belinda returns to Bob.

Film Details

Also Known As
Belinda Puts Her Hair Up
Release Date
Aug 25, 1919
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Vitagraph Co. of America
Distribution Company
Vitagraph Co. of America
United States




The copyright record and some reviews for this film hyphenated the title, while other reviews do not. The title of this film was changed from Belinda Puts Her Hair Up. According to news items, this was the first of a number of serious roles for Gladys Leslie, who previously played in only comedies and light drama.