After Business Hours
Cast & Crew
Mal St. Clair
Elaine Hammerstein
Lou Tellegen
Phyllis Haver
John Patrick
Lillian Langdon
Film Details
Technical Specs
John King, a wealthy young man, marries June with the expressed determination that he will give her everything that money can buy. John does not, however, allow her to have any money of her own, trusting to his own generosity to supply her every want and need. June later gets into a "friendly" bridge game and loses heavily, desperately pawning a pin to pay off her debt. To obtain money to get her pin out of hock, June gambles at a party given by Richard Downing and again loses heavily, using her pearls as security. Her chauffeur, Hendricks, then blackmails her, and she is forced to steal a pin belonging to Mrs. Wentworth in order to pay him off. Downing learns of the theft and also blackmails June, forcing her to come to his apartment as the price for not informing the police of her activities. John learns of the situation and goes to Downing's apartment, giving him a severe thrashing and getting back June's pearls. June tells John everything; he realizes the error of his ways and promises that in the future she will have enough money of her own to meet her wants.