Across the Deadline
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Leo Maloney
Leo Maloney
Josephine Hill
Thomas Lingham
Bud Osborne
Florence Lee
Film Details
Technical Specs

Despite a feud of 30 years' standing between the Revelle and Wainright families, Shirley Revelle and Clem Wainright fall in love. They are discovered meeting by Clem's rival, Ben Larrago, who informs Shirley's father of their romantic activities. The elder Revelle forbids Shirley to see Clem, and Clem goes out to the Revelle ranch, deliberately riding his horse across the property line. Only the iron will of Shirley's father can keep her brother, Rance, from shooting Clem on the spot, but after the elder Revelle forces Clem to ride off, Rance shoots at him from ambush. Clem is not hurt; Rance, however, takes one of Clem's bullets in the arm. When the stage is held up by Larrago and Shifty Sands, Rance's wound is used by the sheriff to implicate the hot-headed boy in the robbery. He is about to be lynched by an angry mob, when Clem stops the hanging and clears Rance of all suspicion of guilt by pointing out that he himself had wounded Rance before the time of the holdup. Sands and Larrago are captured, and a grateful Martin removes his opposition to the marriage of Clem and Shirley.

Leo Maloney
Leo Maloney
Josephine Hill
Thomas Lingham
Bud Osborne
Florence Lee
Rulon Slaughter
Pat Rooney

Film Details
Technical Specs