The Brazen Women of Balzac
Cast & Crew
Josef Zacher
Joachim Hansen
Edwige Fenech
Angelika Ott
Michaela May
Katharina Alt
Film Details
Technical Specs

At their chateau dilettante Fabian, mistress Eugènie, and niece Annette, host a succession of lovers, including Arabella and the wealthy Leuwenstam, who have not yet consummated their marriage, and the estranged aristocrats, Manuel and Felizitas. Inspired by the reading of Balzac, the party plans an orgiastic grape festival. During the orgy Sophie, the maid, sequesters Annette and Manuel. Surprised by Fabian, the aristocrat requests his niece's hand. Under cover of blackness Sophie pairs Leuwenstam and Felizitas, whom he mistakes for his wife. Discovering his error, Leuwenstam consents to a divorce, then proposes marriage to the willing Felizitas. Following suit, Fabian weds Eugènie.

Josef Zacher
Joachim Hansen
Edwige Fenech
Angelika Ott
Michaela May
Katharina Alt
Francy Fair
Ivan Nesbitt
Walter Buschhoff
Sieghardt Rupp
Ralf Wolter
Sissi Löwinger
Gustav Knuth
Mathilde Schmid

Film Details
Technical Specs

Released in West Germany in April 1969 as Die tolldreisten Geschichten des Honoré de Balzac; running time: 84 min. Original German title: Komm, liebe Maid und mache. Reedited, possibly with additional sex footage, for U. S. release. Some sources credit Katharina Alt as Caterina Altieri.