Murder at the Cannes Film Festival
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Harvey Frost
Jacques Lalonde
Benz Antoine
Michael Lerner
Coleen Christie
French Stewart
Film Details
Technical Specs
A former television detective, now a character actor, comes under suspicion when his co-stars begin to turn up dead in Cannes. Nathan Booth arrives in Cannes to discover the small role that brought him there -- as Hemingway's editor in the Borelli Brothers' film "Hemingway Loved Me" -- has been cut. Stranded in Cannes with no hotel room and no money, he is forced to work as a seat-filler at the opening ceremonies. It is there that Booth discovers the lifeless body of his co-star and "Hemingway" headliner Thada Pryce, the victim of what appears to be a fast-acting poison, seated next to him. Pursued by Madame Reno, the city's deft-yet-sultry police chief, Booth quickly finds himself cast as the prime suspect in a real murder investigation.
Harvey Frost
Jacques Lalonde
Benz Antoine
Michael Lerner
Coleen Christie
French Stewart
Matthew Moreau
Dion Johnstone
Steve Kmetko
Ewan Clark
Karina Lombard
Bo Derek
Louis Chirillo
Merv Griffin
Jay Brazeau
Winston Rekert
Sophie Mas
Art Kitching
Vanessa Lebourdais
Gerard Plunkett
Katherine Lanasa
Robert Musnicki
Raoul Ganeev
Kristina Matisic
Brian George
Reese Alexander
Bobbi Allyn
Greg Astop
James Bamford
Jean-paul Bernardi
Mary Jo Biernes
Joanna Bisley
Jennifer Blake
Eric Bornes
Andrew Boutilier
Didier Bovis
Warren Bruce
Heather Byrne
George Campbell
Elaine Chan
Gilles Charvin
Daniel Clarke
Christine Conche
Michael Davies
Lynn Deegan
Darion Deering
Anthony Devenyi
Dario Disanto
David Dowling
Lisa Doyle
Byron Drinkle
Rob Duncan
Anne Dunsmore
Danielle Dutch
Moira Fitzmaurice
Brett Follis
James Fonnyadt
Rob Fournier
Scott Franklin
Merv Griffin
Merv Griffin
Jennifer Harvey
Jeffrey Hatcher
Kit Hayward
Lionel Hebert
Ryan Hogan
Barry Hope
Marcus James
Tania James
Tyler Jones
Ingrid Kenning
Gilles Kenny
Steve Kmetko
Bryan Knight
Dave Koop
Robert Kosberg
Jimmy Leca
Christopher Lee
Lucette Legot
Richard Luzy
Phillipe Malleck
John Marily-bodner
Franck Mazauric
Miguel Nunes
Patrick Ohanian
Sina Oroomchi
Will Park
Charlotte Parker
Joel Parker
Lee Parker
Jean-marc Petri
Karen Porter
Jeremy Presner
Ryan Purcell
Hadrian Rajotte
Patricia Reid-douglas
Corinne Renard
Barry Rennie
Marc Revello
Darren Robertson
Colleen Rogers
Michel Rollant
Brendan Rooney
Lance Rowley
Brent Russell
Mark Schroeder
Brad Segal
Joey Setter
James Shavick
David Shea
Brad Shemko
Shane Shemko
Jonathan Shore
Ivana Siska
John Sleep
Jana Stern
Floris Sybesma
Jamie Tardiff
Michael Taschereau
Nic Tenbroek
Joel Tong
Kevin Townshend
Brad Van Arragon
Kristina Varaja
Dimitri Veret
Cam Wagner
Katy Wallin
Laurie Watt
Maureen Webb
Yvonne Weber
Shawn Williamson
Glen Winter
Glen Winter
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States December 17, 2000
Began shooting May 19, 2000.
Completed shooting June 16, 2000.