Breast Men
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Lawrence O'neil
David Schwimmer
Chris Cooper
Emily Procter
Matt Frewer
Terry Quinn
Film Details
Technical Specs
Medical resident Kevin Saunders is bored with routine facial reconstructions and feels neither challenged or creative. When he finds himself alone one night, he accidentally catches sight of a buxom neighbor undressing in front of her window, and discovers that her cleavage is the result of stuffing in a padded bra. Saunders realizes that there is a market for a device that would result in enlargement from within and takes the idea to his colleague Dr. Larson. This leads to a meeting with Dow-Corning, which leads to the silicone breast implant. Many years later, augmented women step forward with horror stories of disfiguration and sickness, beginning a new chapter in the history of the breast implant. Loosely based on the lives of the original inventors of the silicone implant.
Lawrence O'neil
David Schwimmer
Chris Cooper
Emily Procter
Matt Frewer
Terry Quinn
Kathleen Wilhoite
John Stockwell

Louise Fletcher
Lisa Marie
Michael Cavanaugh
Michael Chieffo
Patrick Cronin
Amanda Foreman
Lyle Lovett
Julie Mccullough
Star Andreiff
Nick Arnette
Janie Austin
Alan Blumenfeld
Jenna Bodnar
Dennis Bowen
Carrie Browder
Sharon Case
Melissa Chan
Pina Colapinto
Kim Delgado
Mary Deno
Terry Evans
Lisa Falcone

Iva Franks-singer
Dorothy Goulah
Tiffany Granath
Vince Grant
Jeff M Hall
Bethany Hartford
Susan Isaacs
Curt Kaplan
Kip King
Krista Lynn Landolfi
Ann Marie Lee
Mimi Lieber
Joleen Lutz
Jennifer Lyons
Betsy Monroe
Barbara Niven
Frank Novak
Ryan Odum
Eve Plumb
Amy Reece
Nancy Renee
Diane Robin
Erik Rodenhiser
Julie Smith
Bobbi Stahn
Jane Stowe
Carl Strano
Mark Valley
Taffy Wallace
Wendy Worthington
Pascal Zeimet
Tobey Bays
Julie K Smith
Jessica Alan
Gil Alvarado
Jon C Archibald
Judy Arthur
Michael Babcock
Scott Barnes
Michael Bauman
David Beadle
Jason Bean
Marisa Benedetto
Bobbin Bergstrom
P. J. Bloom
Mike Boudry
Jonathan Bowra
James E Brisbin
Zane Bruce
Heather A Buswell
Russell Caldwell
Casey Cannon
Jennifer Carlson
Don Cerrone
Jan Clark
Brett Cody
Tim Colohan
Andy D'addario
Peter R. Davidson
Nancy Diambekov
Oliver Doering
Scott Drinon
Lauryl Duplechan
Frank Endewardt
Melinda Eshelman
David Fields
Christina Fong
Michael Franco
Leigh French
Beat Frutiger
William Gilleran
Larry Goeb
Rick Greenhead
Geoffrey Haley
David Hankins
Karen S Hare
Aaron Harney
Alison Hirsch
David D Hopp
Heather Hullen
Christian John Irwin
Yukiko Ishiwata
Michael Jablow
Ivan Johnson
Doc Kane
Mary Ann Kellogg
Christopher Kennedy
James J Keys
Aaron King
David W King
Ken King
Robert King
Robert King
Evyen Klean
Roy Knyrin
Janet Kusnick
Hutaff Lennon Jr.
Nancy Lesser
Marion Levine
Patty Long
James R Lowder
Nick Lucas
Gary Lucchesi
Jerry Macaluso
Steven Mack
Janice Mayeda
Dennis Mccarthy
Christy Mcgeachy
Bob Mcmillian
Robert Mcminn
Robert Morgenroth
Todd Murata
Rip Murray
Udi Nedivi
Rob Nelson
Jeffrey M. O'brien
Monica Ochoa
Mike Ottevanger
Dale Perry
Penny Perry
Thomas Perry
Ashlee Petersen
Scott Poole
Errol Reichow
Anne Reilly
Deborah Ricketts
Guy Riedel
Wendy Riseborough
Richard D Rogers
Allan K Rosen
Andy Rovins
Jayme Roy
Quentin Schaffer
Erich W Schultz
Louis Sevol
Suzy Sharp-kane
Gordon Smith
Michael Starks
Marty Stein
Richard M Stevens
Robert M Stevens
Jane Ann Stewart
Ronald R Stinton
John Stockwell
Bruce Tanis
Scott Tebeau
Ildiko Toth
Stephen J Ullman
Mark Volpe
David Waine
Josephine Willes
Sean Williams
Liz Wilson
Kimberly Wright
William D Wynn
Terry Zarchi
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video June 23, 1998
Aired in United States December 13, 1997
Aired in United States June 23, 1998
Began shooting late April 1997.