Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Brian Dannelly
Mandy Moore
Mary-louise Parker
Althea Mcadam
Susan Wilkey
James Caldwell
Film Details
Technical Specs
"Good girl" Mary and her domineering best friend, Hilary Faye, are starting their senior year at the top of the social food chain at American Eagle Christian High School--that is until Mary's boyfriend tells her that he thinks he may be gay. When Jesus appears to her in a vision, she heeds his message to "do everything she can to help her boyfriend" and, to her horror, she ends up pregnant. Suddenly, Mary begins to question everything she's believed in, and Hilary Faye and her devoted "disciples" soon turn against her. As an outcast, Mary finds herself alone until she's befriended by the school's other pariahs: Hilary Faye's cynical wheelchair-bound brother, Roland; the principal's skater heart-throb son, Patrick; and the high school's lone Jew, an exuberant rebel named Cassandra. The group of outsiders band together to navigate the treacherous halls of high school and make it to graduation--ultimately learning more about themselves, finding faith in unexpected places, and realizing what it truly means to be Saved!
Brian Dannelly
Mandy Moore
Mary-louise Parker
Althea Mcadam
Susan Wilkey
James Caldwell
Aaron Douglas
Syndie Skeeles
Joe Macleod
Brent Fidler
Thomas Plustwik
Jay Hilliker
Julia Arkos

Macaulay Culkin
Chad Faust
Greg Kean
Martin Donovan
Donna White
Eva Amurri Martino
Heather Matarazzo
Elizabeth Thai
Jena Malone
Patricia Drake
Nicki Clyne
John Innes
Kett Turton
Patrick Fugit
Valerie Bertinelli
Mike Adams
Mike Allen
Caila Marie Anderson
Cara Anderson
Heather L. Anderson
Pete Anthony
Paul Arnel
Holly Atchison
Scott Ateah
Scott Ateah
Ian Ballard
Troy Bassett
Andrea Bastin
Eric Batut
Christophe Beck
Christophe Beck
Tony Beck
Jon Bell
Portia Belmont
Matt Beville
Martin Biggerstaff
Gary Blufer
Lenard Boultbee
Russell Brady
Heike Brandstatter
James Bruder
Bobby Bukowski
Alan Burdett
William Burdett
Steve Catlin
Linda Chow
Wendy Chuck
Darren Collins
Brent Connolly
Greg A Coombs
Garvin Cross
Sean Cummings
Patrick Cusack
Rory Cutler
Brian Dannelly
Lorne Davidson
Sandy De Crescent
Andrew Decristofaro
Shane Deschamps
Tony Devenyi
Mike Doiron
Simon Doucet
Dawn Dowling
Chris Dusendschon
H Kaye Dyal
Steve Eathorne
Todd Elyzen
Todd Elyzen
Chris Ervin
David Esparza
Valerie Farlette
John Farman
Holly Ferguson
Carolyn Field
Joe Fineman
Shawn Flynn
James Forsyth
Steven Gagnon
Rossano Galante
Marshall Garlington
Lee Gibeau
Suzy Gilbert
Laurie L Giles
Paul Giordano
Cory Glass
Chris Glyn-jones
Ann Goobie
Sheila Goodman
Matt Greenhough
David Halliday
Jennifer Harland
Adam S Hawkey
John Helme
Chris Higgins
Scott Hodges
Ian Houghton
Raj Hundal
Sue Ing
Tim Isle
Keely Johnson
Bruce Jones
Andrew Kaiser
Lauren Keane
Shawn Kennelly
Trevor Kenny
Laura Killam
Peter Klassen
Kevin Kliesch
David Klotz
B John Kuchera
Brian Alan Kuchera
Sierra Laflamme
Julie Landholt
Michael Langlois
Ian Langman
Jon Leshay
Carl Leveque
Robert Little
Kristina Lyne
Lane Macdonald
Scott Macdonald
Laura Macias
Iain A Macleod
Dave Macmillan
Ali Macrae
Chris Madden
Stephen Maier
Justin Marks
Pam Martin
Coreen Mayrs
Dave Mcguire
Stephen Mcknight
Phil Medwid
Stanley Miller
Jodi Mitchell
Ryan Monro
Michael A. Morongell
Aimee Morono
Kevin Mullican
Travis Murao
Dan Muscarella
Chris Navarro
Jennifer Nelson
Toni Nick
Karin Nosella
Greg Novosad
Nancy Kyong Nugent
Nancy Kyong Nugent
John O'toole
Michael Ohoven
Diane Osowetski
Sarah Ostrow
J B Owen-sacallis
Manbir Parhar
Levon Parseghian
James Patten
Michael Payne
Noni Peck
Diyah Pera
David Prybil
John Reynolds
Dave Righton
Michael Roberts
Kerry Rock
Cynthia Rose
Sean Rowe
Nicola Ryall
Trish Schill
Mike Scoffield
Dan Scolnik
Cal Shumiatcher
Sydney Silvert
Jayme Smith
Dylan Staniforth
Sally Stern
Sandy Stern
Michael Stipe
Donna Stocker
Casey Stone
Casey Stone
Doug Stover
Linda Strathdee
John C. Stuver
John C. Stuver
Robyne Switzer
Denise Szabo
Denise Szabo
Reba Szabo
Reba Szabo
Ken Teaney
Michael Toji
Debra Torpe
Matt Towstyka
Marie Tremblay
Cheri Trewin
Scott Trewin
Michael Urban
David Valleau
Kate Vanderbyl
William Vince
Owen Walstrom
Gus Ward
Tristana Ward
Kyle Weldon
John Werner
Rick Whitfield
Peter Whyte
Debra Wiebe
James Willcock
Trevor Williams
Geralyn Wraith
James Wright
Sean Wright
Ryan Young
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 2004
Released in United States January 2004
Released in United States on Video October 5, 2004
Released in United States Summer May 28, 2004
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 20 - June 13, 2004.
Feature directorial debut for Brian Dannelly.
Released in United States 2004 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 20 - June 13, 2004.)
Released in United States January 2004 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Premiere) January 15-25, 2004.)
Released in United States Summer May 28, 2004
Released in United States on Video October 5, 2004