Witness Protection
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Richard Pearce
Harrison Young
Daniel Zacapa
Tom Sizemore
William Sadler
Greg Lipari
Film Details
Technical Specs
A look at the Federal witness protection process as seen through the experiences of a family going through the system. In five short days, Bobby Batton, his wife Cindy and their children, Sean and Suzie, are caught in an emotional maelstrom as they begin to comprehend the consequences of their decisions. Guided by U.S. Marshal Steve Beck, their only link to the outside world, the Battons discover the deep layers of deception that threaten to divide their family. Based on a "New York Times Magazine" cover story written by Robert Sabbag, the only journalist ever to be taken inside the secret facility where all witnesses who turn state's evidence are processed.
Richard Pearce
Harrison Young
Daniel Zacapa

Tom Sizemore

William Sadler
Greg Lipari
Joanna Merlin
Leon Russom
Jason Bedig
Byron Minns
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Shawn Hatosy
Greg Pitts
Janni Brenn
Skye Mccole Bartusiak

Forest Whitaker
Jim Metzler
Shannon Cochran
Randy Thompson
Chris Adams
Robert Albertell
Dena J Allen
Dale E. Anderson
Carol Andrade
Julie Aquino
Peter Austin
Rick Baca
Ronnie Baker
Joseph E Bates
Ron Batzdorff
Leo Behar
Noah Behar
Greg Benton
John Beran
Anne Berger
Scott A. Bobbitt
Jon Borchers
Gary Bourgeois
Felicity Bowring
Steve Boyd
John Brace
Julian Bratolyubov
Gary Brewer
Garrett V Brumby
John Bullard
Danielle Burgio
Jeffrey Cahill
James D Camomile
Donna D Casey
Mike Cassidy
Joseph L E Chenier
Samuel M. Cobb
Michael Connor
Mike Connors
Kelly A Cronin
Charlie Croughwell
Joshua Lee Croughwell
Mike Currie
Gary L Dagg
Chic Daniel
Philip F Darrell
James T Davis
Kenneth Davis
Douglas A Degrazzio
Kristin Dewey
Juanita Diana
Matt Dordey
Paul Ducheman
Bill Duffin
Michael Jon Duffin
Robert W. Dulys
Jeff Durling
Cliff Eidelman
Cliff Eidelman
Kieron Estrada
Jane Evans
Michael Everett
Pablo Ferro
Mark Figueroa
Susan Fiore
Joanne Fishburn
Neil Fleischbein
Gerard Forrest
Megan Forste
Hal Fowler
Bob Fox
Leigh French
Ellen Freund
Lisa Fruchtman
Yvette Garfield
Wiliam W. Gideon
Adam Gilmore
Anne Gordon
Marcus S Gordon
Elizabeth Grant
Jessica Greco
Cindy Griffo
Linda Grimes
Jim Guarrera
Mary Guerrero
Lynda Gurasich
Ed Gutentag
Hope Hanafin
Tommy Harper
Terrence Hayes
Celine A Hays
Laura Hilly
Laurie A Hoover
Meg Hyatt
Paul Ilsley
Joe Janusek
Sue Jett
Sue Jett
Adam Kay
Christina Kim
Evyen Klean
Bud Kucia
Stacia Lang
Carolyn Lassek
Michael Latino
Brett Laumann
Lawrence T Lewis
Richard Limbaugh
Joseph Lindsay
Greg Lipari
Dirk Long
Rebecca Long
David Low
Linda Lowy
Byron Macdonald
William W Mahn
Matthew B Marden
Tony Mark
Tony Mark
Mara Massey
Lucas Mathis
E Scott Mayhugh
William Mcgrath
Bud Mcpherson
Howard Meltzer
Kevin Mensching
Andrew Menzies
Nick Mestrandrea
Mike Milliken
John Moore
Ted Morris
Darryl Murchinson
Fred Murphy
Al Naufel
Myron Nettinga
Benjamin Ormand
Andrew Osborne
Ann Pala
Chris Palermo
James Paniagua
Anne Pankonin
Peter Pearce
Steuart Pearce
David Pearlberg
Mike Peavy
Jessica Peel
Frank Perl
Carolyn Pickman
Korey Pollard
Joe Ramsey
Patricia Ramsey
Raman Rao
Cloudia Rebar
Mike Reposar
Drew Ann Rosenberg
Page Rosenberg-marvin
Myra Rosenthal
Patrick Russ
Robert Sabbag
Robert Sabbag
Anthony J. Saenz Jr.
Pablo Santiago
Scott Schaeffer
Henry Schleiff
Charles C Smith
Tammy L Smith
John W. Snow
Chris Snyder
Dale Snyder
Yolanda Somers
Soren Sorensen
Scott Sproule
Daniel M Stillman
Timothy Sweeney
Alison A Taylor
Boots Teimann
Daniel Therriault
Daniel Therriault
Sonny Tipton
Bill Trautvetter
Bill Trautvetter
Timothy Jayson Travers
James F. Truesdale
Michael A Truesdale
Ed Twiford
George E. Vielma
Patrizia Von Brandenstein
Mike Wallock
Gunnar T Walter
Thomas Wazney
Don Weagle
William M Weberg
Tom Williams
Mike Wills
Curtis A. Yakel
Paul Youds
Edward M Zaffina
Valerie Zielonka
Clarence J Zingg
Steve Zvorsky
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States December 11, 1999
Aired in United States July 2000
Released in United States on Video June 13, 2000
Shown at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival July 5-15, 2000.
Began shooting March 1, 1999.