On the Line

1h 25m 2001

Brief Synopsis

Though Kevin is young, handsome and working his way up in the advertising industry, he doesn't have too much confidence when it comes to meeting women. After meeting Abbey, his his dream girl, on the L train, he fails to get her phone number. He and his pals resort to postering the Windy City with f

Film Details

MPAA Rating
Romantic Comedy
Release Date
Distribution Company
Chicago, Illinois, USA; Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Technical Specs

1h 25m


Though Kevin is young, handsome and working his way up in the advertising industry, he doesn't have too much confidence when it comes to meeting women. After meeting Abbey, his his dream girl, on the L train, he fails to get her phone number. He and his pals resort to postering the Windy City with flyers displaying his phone number in the hopes of finding his subway sweetheart. As a result of his massive campaign, Kevin becomes Chicago's poster boy for lost love and the object of every woman's affections. But the fates that brought Kevin and Abbey together on the "L" seem determined to reunite them, revealing that love will give you a second chance if you are willing to put yourself "on the line".

Film Details

MPAA Rating
Romantic Comedy
Release Date
Distribution Company
Chicago, Illinois, USA; Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Technical Specs

1h 25m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States Fall October 26, 2001

Released in United States May 2001

Released in United States on Video March 26, 2002

Shown at Cannes International Film Festival (market) May 9-20, 2001.

A Happy Place is Lance Bass' production company.

Began shooting March 10, 2001.

Completed shooting April 27, 2001.

Actors Lance Bass and Joey Fatone are members of the pop band N Sync.

Released in United States on Video March 26, 2002

Released in United States May 2001 (Shown at Cannes International Film Festival (market) May 9-20, 2001.)

Released in United States Fall October 26, 2001