Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Francis Lawrence
Roberto Kawata
Max Baker
Ann Ryerson
Alice Lo
Jesse Ramirez
Film Details
Technical Specs
John Constantine has been to hell and back. Born with a gift he didn't want, the ability to clearly recognize the half-breed angels and demons that walk the earth in human skin, Constantine was driven to take his own life to escape the tormenting clarity of his vision. But he failed. Resuscitated against his will, he found himself cast back into the land of the living. Now, marked as an attempted suicide with a temporary lease on life, he patrols the earthly border between heaven and hell, hoping in vain to earn his way to salvation by sending the devil's foot soldiers back to the depths. But Constantine is no saint. Disillusioned by the world around him and at odds with the one beyond, he's a hard-drinking, hard-living bitter hero who scorns the very idea of heroism. Constantine will fight to save your soul but he doesn't want your admiration or your thanks--and certainly not your sympathy. All he wants is a reprieve. When a desperate but skeptical police detective enlists his help in solving the mysterious death of her beloved twin sister, their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles. Caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldly events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost.
Francis Lawrence
Roberto Kawata
Max Baker
Ann Ryerson
Alice Lo
Jesse Ramirez
Nicholas Downs
Stephanie Fabian
Larry Cedar
Tanoai Reed
Francis Guinan

Tilda Swinton
Suzanne Whang
Martin Tillman
April Grace
Gavin Rossdale

Keanu Reeves
Pruitt Taylor Vince
Jeremy Ray Valdez
Peter Stormare
Barbara Pilavin
Cw Pyun
Connor Dylan Wryn
Shia Labeouf
Scott A. Bobbitt
Quinn Buniel
Edward J Rosen
Jose Molina
Rachel Weisz
Sharon Omi
Jhoanna Trias
José Z·±iga
Djimon Hounsou
John Gipson
Laz Alonso
Gary Abrahamian
Nathaniel Acord
Matthew Adams
Gil Adler
Jeff Adoorian
Michael Aguilar
Ulrika Akander
Kenny Alexander
Chris Allen
Molly Allen
Simon Allen
Richard Alonzo
Hank Amos
Anuj Anand
Brodie Andersen
Dovi Anderson
Gordon Antell
Greg Anthony
Mimia Arbelaez
Allan Arinduque
Jason Armstrong
Steve Artmont
Steve Avoujageli
James Babineaux
Klaus Badelt
Brooks Baldwin
Brian Barnhart
Maria K. Battle
Jackie Baugh
Huston Beaumont
Joel Behrens
Michael J. Benavente
John Benson
Janey Bergam
Craig Berkey
Dena Berman
Greg Berry
Hitesh Bharadia
Renee Binkowski
Matthew J. Birch
Jeremy Bolan
Mark Bomback
Natalie Borlaug
Greg Ten Bosch
Sarah Bourgeois
Aharon Bourland
Kirstin Bradfield
Michael T Brady
Kane Brassington
Devin Breese
Randy Bricker
Kevin Brodbin
Kevin Brodbin
Trent Broin
Bob F Brown
Jim Brown
Matt Brumit
Daniel Bryant
Randy Burke
Tom Burney
Willie Burton
David E Campbell
Howard W Campbell
Shelley Campbell
Paul Campion
Frank Cappello
Ruth Caspary
John Cassella Jr.
Bradford De Caussin
Joseph Cavanaugh
Dan Cayer
Richard Cetrone
Denise Chamian
Jeffrey Chan
Chris Cheatham
Lucinda Chee
John Cherevka
Conrad Chu
Michael Clemens
Richard Cody
Aaron Cohen
Xiomara Comrie
Colleen Conroy
Joshua Cordes
Kirk Corwin
Peter Costelli
Paul Crawford
Jeff Cutter
Cory Czekaj
Mike Dalzell
John Daniel
Melissa Daniels
Russell Darling
Craig Davies
Denise Davis
Ian Davis
Wolfram De Marco
David Debry
Ted Deiker
Natasha Delahunt
Owen Demers
Fj Desanto
Paul Desmond
Lorenzo Di Bonaventura
Dan Dixon
Tracy Dixon
Lauren Shuler Donner
Richard Donner
Richard Donner
Joe Dorn
Robert Dorris
Joel Dougherty
Scott Dougherty
Brennan Doyle
Susan Dudeck
Brian Duffy
Ante Dugandzic
Chuke Duke
Jared Eddo
Robert Elhai
Pam Elliott
Christopher Eng
Jack English
Garth Ennis
Katharine Evans
John Paul Fasal
Juliana Fauntleroy
Robert Fechtman
Lena Fennema
Tom Ficke
Michael L. Fink
Michael L. Fink
Jeremy Fitzgerald
Christian Fletcher
Stephen Hunter Flick
Stephen Foss
Nathan Stinus Fredenburg
Brian Freisinger
Haskell Friedman
Scott Fritts
Mathias Frodin
Louise Frogley
Jeremy Fry
Michael Gaiser
Christopher Gallaher
Amy Garback
Sean Garcia
Lindsey Gary
Julia Gaudette
Adam Gerardin
Susan Germaine
Chris Gibbons
Andree Gibbs
Joseph Gigantelli
Aaron Gilman
Rick Glenn
Akiva Goldsman
Joe Gomez
Jennifer Gonzalez
Kate Gordon
Eric Gotthelf
David Grasso
Jane E. Graves
Basil Bryant Grillo
Chris Grossnickle
Salome Renteria Guitierrez
Allen L Hall
Chris Hall
Matthew Hall
Jason Halverson
Tyler Ham
Joseph Hamdorf
Gene Hara
Joel Harlow
Thirl Haston
Uma Havaligi
Craig Hayes
Jason Heapy
Zachary M Heath
Lyndal Heathwood
Matt Heimlich
Joe Henke
Mo Henry
Trevor Hensley
Anthony Herrera
Brian Hillard
Bryan Hirota
Steven Ho
Ian Honeyman
Ryan Hopkins
Beth Howe
Billy Howerdel
David Hugghins
George Hull
Darryl Humber
Ian Hunter
Nathaniel Hunter
Dave Hussey
Amanda Instone
Aruna Inversin
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Nic Cage was previously attached to star.
Tarsem Singh aka Tarsem Duamdwar was previously attached to direct.
Released in United States Winter February 18, 2005
Released in United States on Video July 19, 2005
Released in United States on Video July 19, 2005
Released in United States Winter February 18, 2005
Based on the DC-Vertigo comic Hellblazer