Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Alan Shapiro
Paul Hogan
Elijah Wood
Jonathan Banks
Robert Deacon
Ann Carey
Film Details
Technical Specs
Rebellious 14-year-old Sandy Ricks is at an all-time low. He's just landed on what has to be the world's most remote island, forced to spend the summer with some ex-hippie uncle of his, who used to be a roadie for the Beach Boys before dropping out of society to become a fisherman. And what's worse, he's had to forfeit the all-access laminates he scored for the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert taking place back home. But once he meets up with an equally feisty orphaned dolphin named Flipper, city boy Sandy starts to get into the swim of island living. Pretty soon he finds himself in the middle of the biggest adventure of his life, and the place doesn't seem so small or laid-back. Even salty old Uncle Porter doesn't seem so bad.
Alan Shapiro
Paul Hogan
Elijah Wood
Jonathan Banks
Robert Deacon
Ann Carey
Mark Casella

Luke Halpin
Bill Kelley
Chelsea Field
Jason Fuchs
Lindsay Treco
Jessica Wesson
Mal Jones
Louis Seeger Crume
Bill Nolan

Isaac Hayes
Mary Jo Faraci
Allison Bertolino
Michael Johnson
Steve C. Aaron
Charlie Ajar Jr.
Bill Albury
Jay Albury
Tammy Allen
Mitchell Amundsen
Bryan Aranha
Gabriel Armaly
Carol Ashley
Julie Ashton-barson
Irvin L Bain
Livingston B Bain
Mitchell Barham
Daniel W. Barringer
Dennis Bastian
T J Beatty
Philip Beck
Fernando Benitez
Dwight Benjamin-creel
Jeffrey Berger
Andrew Bernstein
Robert Beverlin
Lise Bittrich
James Blevins
Ty Boyce
Billy Braithwaite
John Bramley
Chris Brenczewski
Kelly Browning
Ricou Browning
John Bruce
Sandy Brundage
Wilmer Butler
Dave Caldwell
Susan B Campbell
Joan Carroll
Martina Carroll
Dexter Cartwright
Nicholo Cartwright
Michael Casper
Cirina Catania
Doug Chartier
Gary Clay
Doug Coleman
Walt Conti
Alan Cooney
Jack Cowden
Larce Crawford
Tyrone Culmer
Ken Dackerman
Lisa Dackermann
Sister Daniels
Rachel Davies
Diego Davis
Joe Delmonte
Aaron Dem
Danny Downey
Joe Dubs
Tom Durkin
Eric Dyson
Martin Elfalan
Stephanie Englert
Steve Eustace
Kris Evans
Kris Evans
Brian Faeh
Tom Farmer
Frank Fleming
Pieter Folkens
Wilson Fortune
Walt Fraser
Robert French
Mike Frevert
Jerry Fuller
Rick Fuller
Gil Gagnon
Mitzi Gallagher
Brian Gee
Joss Geiduschek
J P Genasi
Ambrose Gibson
Brian C Glover
Norman Gomes
Ralph Gonzales
Maria Govan
Megan Graham
Abra Grupp
Jethro Hanna
Laura Hannigan
Robbie Heine
Robert Heine
Phil Hetos
Kathryn Hibbs
Chris Higgs
Chris Higgs
Kim Hix
Jonathan Holden
Gina Homan
Jeff Hook
Conrad Hool
Conrad Hool
Jason Hool
Lance Hool
William Hooper
David Horner
Jonathan Horton
Tom Hsiu
Denise Hudson
Hydroflex Inc
William Jacobs
Matthew Jacobsen
Ellen Jacoby
Loren J Johnson
J. Stanley Johnston
Stephan Lloyd Jones
Marc H Katz
Perry Katz
Tim Keating
Dan Kelley
Carole Ann Kenneally
Randy Kiss
Karen Klein
Rick Kline
Damien Knowles
Earlin William Knowles
Peter Knowlton
Andy Kopetzky
Brad Kuehn
Walter Lab
Richard Le Grand
Daniel Leahy
Jari Leino
Kenneth Levine
Gregory Liegey
Ron Linden
David Lingenfelser
Kevin Lingenfelser
Brenda Lowe
Krissy Luster
Jimmi Lyon
Bob Lyss
Chris Macdonald
Julius Magodo
Jamie Maheu
Michael P Mahoney
Chris Main
John Major
Leo Major
Rudy Maldonado
Jon Massey
Allister V Matheson
Allister V Matheson
Juusi Mattila
Karen Mcfadden
John Mckeown
Gavin Mckinney
Robert Mcnabb
James J Mcnamara
Joel Mcneely
Joel Mcneely
Douglas Merrifield
Rick Mervis
Mark Michaels
Judd Miller
Katrina Montgomery
Kai Morbey
Teresa Morefield
James Moriana
Julie Ann Moyeda
Fred Moyse
Kevin Mulrine
Karen M Murphy
Shawn Murphy
Stephanie Murray
Ronald Nairn
Lynden Newbold
Winston P Newton
Paka Nishimura
Jamie Noon
David Norris
Carl Nottage
Karin Nystrom
Sean O'connor
Michel Ormancey
Julian Orneus
Fonzie Parker
Philip A Patterson
Randy Pease
Gaither D Peden Iii
Mike Pendergast
Jason Perlander
Earl Perque
Cristin Pescosolido
Rob E Peterson
Paul Petschek
Craig Pettigrew
David Pinder
Michelle Pleis-stirber
Gregory Plotkin
Lisa Pollard
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring May 17, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 8, 1996
Completed shooting September 7, 1995.
Began shooting June 6, 1995.
Released in United States Spring May 17, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 8, 1996