The 13th Warrior
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John Sullivan
Sven-ole Thorsen
Tony Curran
Vladimir Kulich
John De Santis
Susan Willis
Film Details
Technical Specs
The story of IB Fahdlan, an important emissary who is banished from his homeland. The nomadic outcast comes across a band of Norse warriors who coerce him into joining them when they are summoned to fight mysterious creatures legendary for consuming every living thing in their path. Eventually surrounded by the frightening and ferocious foe, Ibn must conquer his personal fears and help battle the illusive invaders--who emerge out of the shroud of fog in the black of the night.
Sven-ole Thorsen
Tony Curran
Vladimir Kulich
John De Santis
Susan Willis
Mona Storhoi
Antonio Banderas
Sven Wollter
Maria Bonnevie
Andrew Kavadas
Brian Jensen
Turid Balke
Diane Venora
Oliver Sveinall
Daniel Southern
Clive Russell
Owen Walstrom
Tarik Batal
Suzanne Bertish
Brett Reyez
Ghoncheh Tazmini
Mark Acheson
Layla Alizada
Akesh Gill
Richard Ooms
Erick Avari
Mina Mina
Natalia Mohammed Macleod
Asbjorn Riis
Claire Lapinski
Malcolm Jolly
Dylan Gray Woodley
Richard Bremmer
Albie Woodington
Al Hachlaf
Mischa Hausserman
Kaaren De Zilva
Michael Brynjolfson
John Bear Curtis
Scott Elam
Bjorn Ove Pedersen
Joe Bulatti
Dennis Storhoi
Jeremy Van Der Driesen
Neil Maffin
Anders T Andersen
Yolande Bavan
Alaina Lander
Alex Zahara

Omar Sharif
Gunnar Skjavestad
Mike Adams
Hellen Akerly
Lawrence Albright
Jonathan Alvord
Dave Anderson
Grace Anderson
Ted Andre
Mary Andrews
Doug Antonides
Lou Arkoff
James Ashwill
Pia Athayde
Simon Atherton
Ian Ballard
Santino Barile
Paul Barry
Rod Basham
Becky Bates
Chauney W Bawlf
Dan Belley
Stewart Bethune
Sandra J Blackie
Brent Boates
Steve Boeddeker
Celia Bond
Bruce Botnick
Josie Boulding
Christopher Boyes
Todd Braithwaite
Jim Brebner
Denis Brock
Andre Brouwer
Andrea Brown
Eric Bryson
Anne Burke
Fred Burke
Silver Butler
Scott Calderwood
Don Campbell
Gregg Campbell
Rick Canelli
Lynne Carrow
Thomas P Caton
Allison Chretien
Terry Claiborn
Philip Clarkson
Dawn Leigh Climie
John Clothier
John Clothier
Lucy Coldsnow-smith
Ann Marie Corbett
Jean-paul Costaz
Alexander Courage
Steven D Craine
Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton
Dan Crosby
Jason Crosby
Kate Crossley
Samuel C Crutcher
John Cucci
Erin Cullen
Peter Cummings
Dave Curley
Gloria D'alessandro
Brian Davenport
Jill Davis
Jeff Dawn
Sandy De Crescent
Jim Demarco
Duane Dickinson
Ivan Dirikis
Mike Dobie
John Dodds
Ned Dowd
Victoria Down
Ethan Dubrow
Nancy Duggan
Mark Dumas
Jim R Dunn
Barbara Dunning
Pavel Dvorak
Robert Eber
Lyle Edge
Stan Edmonds
Kevin Elam
Juno J. Ellis
Joy Ellison
Marny Eng
Glen English
David Farmer
Noah Farrell
Jim Finkbeiner
Thomas L. Fisher
Nicole Florian
Glenn Foerster
Michelle Foote
David Footman
R M Frank
Rick Franklin
Vic Fraser
Danielle Friedman
Penny Gibbs
Gary Gillingham
Cory Glass
Reg Glass
Jerry Goldsmith
Jerry Goldsmith
Robert D Goldstein
Gilbert Gonzales
Gretchen Goode
Casey Grant
Casey Grant
Jim Green
Leesa Green
Leesa Green
Tom Gregg
David Gribble
Isobel Griffiths
Allen Gunn
Stuart Haggerty
Michael Haight
Ken Hall
Frank Halpenny
Bud Hamilton
Cam Hamilton
Shauna Hanna
Jere Harding
Douglas Hardwick
Kate Harrington
Barbara Harris
Matthew Harrison
Richard St John Harrison
Brentan Harron
Glen Herlihy
Mark Herman
William Heslup
Heiko Hespe
John Hewitt
Todd Hlagi
Denise Horta
Dave Hospes
Pierre Hubert
Joel Hynek
Doug Jackson
David Jacox
Jeffrey L Jamison
Stephen Janisz
Helen Jarvis
Priscilla John
K J Johnson
Adam Johnston
Uri Katoni
Connie Kazmer
Patrick Kearns
Ken Kerzinger
Brian King
Juta Kitching
Richard Klein
Nicholas Vincent Korda
Gary Krivacek
Wolf Kroeger
Amanda Laithwaite
Bill Laity
D Brent Lane
Michael Langlois
Nick Lawson
Billy Laye
Dave Leader
Daphne Lebe
Denise Lee
John Leroy
Linda Lew
David Lewis
Mark Lewis
Warren Lewis
James Likowski
C R Lister
Brad Loree
Phillip Lunt
Janet Macdonald
Julius Magodo
Victoria Martin
Marcel Martinez
Jane Mason
Pat Mccorkle
Rob Mcewan
David Mckeown
Al Mckinnon
Morag Mclean
Michael Mclellan
Mike Mcleod
Bill Mcmahon
Rose Marie Mcsherry
John Mctiernan
John Mctiernan
Rob Meisenholder
Yvonne Melville
Dale Menzies
Peter Menzies
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Best-selling novelist Michael Crichton's "Eaters of the Dead" was first published in 1976.
Released in United States on Video January 18, 2000
Released in United States Summer August 27, 1999
Antonio Banderas received the fifth annual (1999) American Latin Media Arts award, known as the ALMA, for Best Film Actor from the National Council of La Raza.
Began shooting June 26, 1997.
Completed shooting November 1, 1997.
Released in United States on Video January 18, 2000
Released in United States Summer August 27, 1999