Race the Sun
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Charles Kanganis
John Negro Ponte
Jo-anne Cahill
Kuni Hashimoto
Harry Pavlidis
Kevin Tighe
Film Details
Technical Specs
The call themselves "lolo"--lowly locals in Hawaiian slang--and they've already learned a hard lesson: all they should look forward to in life is mediocrity and failure. These low-income, multi-ethnic teenagers don't expect anything from themselves, because nobody else does, until the day the new science teacher arrives at Kona Pali High. For some reason, Sandra Beecher is different from their other teachers--she actually thinks they can, and should, learn something in school. With her encouragement, a handful of her least-likely students tackle a science project that would challenge even the best and the brightest: they decide to build and race a very special car. Powered by the sun--and by the newfound pride that burns in the Kona Pali High students' hearts--the fragile vehicle will take them all the way across the Australian continent on a journey of wonder and self-discovery.
Charles Kanganis
John Negro Ponte
Jo-anne Cahill
Kuni Hashimoto
Harry Pavlidis
Kevin Tighe
Gabrielle Hammond
Tyler Coppin
Robyn Moore
Jimmy Sadeli
Rostislav Orel
Franko Milostnik
Bill Hunter
Marc Gray
Jeff Truman
Robert Hughes
Michael Lynn Burgess

James Belushi
Steve Zahn
Prasitt Clifton
Vera Hong
Clarence Dahy
Monroe Reimers
Nadja Pionilla
Sara Tanaka
Archer Lyttle

Casey Affleck
Adriane Napualani Uganiza
Eliza Dushku
Amanda Wenban
Rick Adams
Jeamin Lee
J Moki Cho
Dion Basco
Anthony Ruivivar
Marshall Napier

Halle Berry
Tim Aris
John Alan Su
Piero Von Arnim
Joel Edgerton
Blondel Aidoo
Russell Allan
Lyn Askew
Wenden K Baldwin
Jason Bath
Graham Beatty
Lyle Beckmann
David Bergad
Sharon Bialy
Lester Bishop
Christie Black
Kerry Blakeman
Greg Blandy
Andrew Blustain
Jason Boland
Glenn Boswell
John Breslin
Wendy Greene Bricmont
Joseph Briski
Herman Bron
David Brown
Dave Bryden
Patsy Buchan
David Burr
Mary Burton
Carolyn Calvert
Phillippa Carnemolla
Sergei Chadiloff
Robin Clifton
Kyrsten Mate Comoglio
Terry Cook
Kathy Courtney
Phil Cross
Phil Cross
Judith Cruden
Mary Lou Da Rosa
Harry Dakanalis
Enid Dalkoff
Dar Davies
Tobin Davis
Jane Dawkins
Jonathan Desprez
Robert Donaldson
Malcolm Donkin
Nash Edgerton
Brian Ellison
Abe Elshaikl
Ross Emery
Gilliam Farrow
Malcolm Fife
Peter Foster
Jack Friedman
Carmen Galan
Reg Garside
Mark Gatt
Barbara Gibbs
Alex Gibson
Colin Gibson
Aura Gilge
Darren Gilmore
Rodney Glasscock
Errol Glossenbury
Nikki Goley
Nikki Goley
Allison Gordon-kohler
Murray Gosson
Roger Graham
Stephen Gray
Mark Green
Tony Greenhill
Dan Hamilton
Ian Hamilton
Steve Hawker
Karan Headley
John Heaney
Mo Henry
Richard Heus
Richard Heus
Jim Hewitson
Kim Hilder
Gary Hill
Richard Hobbs
Gavin Hodson
Simon Holmes
Nicola Hughes-nutting
Matt Inglis
Anne Johns
Scott C Johnson
Gary Jones
Adam Joyce
Mike Kelly
Summer Ku'ulei Kirn
Steven R. Kutcher
James Lebrecht
David Lee
Liane Lee
Michael Lendrum
Mark Levinson
Danny Lockett
Paula Lourie
Darren Loveday
Simon Lucas
Tony Lynch
Karen Mahood
Catherine Mansill
Faith Martin
Michelle Mcgahey
Norman Mcgeoch
Ian Mcgovock
Richard Mcgrath
Mark Mckinley
Wil Milne
T J Morgan
Barry Morrow
Barry Morrow
Arwen Munro
John Murch
Trish Newton
Nick Ng
David Nichols
Chris Norris
John Nutt
Peter Owens
David Parker
Patricia Passlow
Owen Paterson
Julia Peters
Tapio Piituloinen
Phil Pike
Marco Pinesi
Beverly Pinnas
Kevin Plummer
Andrew Power
Tad Pride
Richard Quinn
Paul Ranford
Graeme Revell
Barbara Ring
Dave Roberts
Charles Rotherham
Steve Rundell
Danny Ryan
Amanda J Scarano
Fiona Scott
Marc J Scott
Michael Semanick
Paul Jay Shrater
Dan Smith
Marcus H Smith
Joan Sobel
Sotiri Sotiropoulos
John Spence
Herb Squires
Beau St. Clair
Hans Stutz
Julie Talbot
John Thiris
Hans Tholstrup
Eric Todd
Jim Townley
Janice Tso
Kate Turner
Bernadette Van Gyen
Aron Walker
Dan Wallin
Nic Watt
David Weston
Judy Whitehead
Kristin Whitfield
Pamela Wilis
Dave Williamson
Dallas Wilson
Margot Wilson
Joshua Winget
Lawrence Woodward
Mary Works
Lea Worth
Philip Worth
Colin Wyatt
Simon Zanker
Barbra Zussino
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video October 3, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 8, 1996
Released in United States Spring March 22, 1996
Began shooting April 6, 1995.
Completed shooting June 22, 1995.
Released in United States Spring March 22, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 3, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 8, 1996