Primal Fear
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gregory Hoblit
Tony Plana
Peter Schreiner
Kenneth Tigar
Diann Burns
Maura Tierney
Film Details
Technical Specs
Arrogant, brilliant and successful, criminal defense attorney Martin Vail loves a good fight and the media spotlight, both of which he knowingly invites when he volunteers to represent a penniless, bewildered young man accused of murder. The victim is one of Chicago's most prominent dignitaries, a Catholic archbishop, and the defendant's guilt seems as evident as the blood found splattered on his clothes. But Vail doesn't concern himself with questions of guilt or innocence. All he cares about is creating and selling his version of the truth. All he cares about is winning. As his involvement with his client deepens, however, Vail's consuming need to win, his antagonism toward his former boss in the prosecutor's office, his complicated relationship wtih his recent lover who is the prosecutor in this case, and his unexpected feelings for his client, combine to blind him to the trap awaiting him.
Gregory Hoblit
Tony Plana
Peter Schreiner
Kenneth Tigar
Diann Burns
Maura Tierney
Sigrid K Zahner
Jon Seda
Lenny Wilson
Laura Linney
Joseph Luis Caballero
Sylvia Gomez
Andrt Braugher
Brian Reddy

Richard Gere

Edward Norton
Mike Bacarella
Jon Danniells
David Eckert
Alfre Woodard
Robert Jordan
Steven Bauer
Ron O J Parson
Daniel Clancy
Joseph R Ryan
Dwight Brad Dyer
John Mahoney
Rosalie V Lewis
Andy Shaw
Randy Salerno
Azalea Davila
Mary Ann Childers
Tony Fitzpatrick
Wayne Wright
John Duncanson
Christopher Carroll
Lester Holt
Kyle Colerider-krugh
Wendy Cutler
Clarence Williams
Linda Yu
Joannie Lum

Frances Mcdormand
Randall Slavin
Joe Kosala
Reg Rogers
Terry O'quinn
Stanley Anderson
Turk Muller
Joe Spano
Patric J Abaravich
Rashied Aljuwani
Paul Allen
Randolph W Andell
Deborah Aquila
Audie Aragon
Dana Armonda
William David Arnold
Scott Bailey
Jacolyn J Baker
Bob Baron
Julie Beattie-iiams
Jeff Beebe
Pam Bentkowski
Jeffrey Berk
Ann Biderman
Jeanne Bischoff
Terence Blanchard
Alphonse Blumenthal
Xochi Blymyer
Michele Bock
Louisa Bonnie
Thomas Bookout
David Boyd
Mary Brady
Steve Braharich
Robert Breech
Steven Brodsky
George Wells Brothwick
J. Stephen Buck
Ray Bulinski
Mark Burnett
Rob Burton
Douglas Campbell
Steve Cantamessa
Kevin E Carpenter
Cindy Carr
Javier Carrillo
Paul Caven
Michael Chapman
Michael Chapman
Chris M Collins
Armando Contreras
Larry Cook
Frank Lucky Costello
Anne Couk
Betsy Cox
Hallie D'amore
Gerrit Dangremond
Elaine Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Michael P Deal
Brad Dechter
Dave Degaetano
Sterfon Demings
William Diehl
Joe Dorn
Lanier Edwards
Elle Elliott
Margaret Elliott
Michael Elyanow
Edward England
Leslie Engle
Craig Fehrman
Ben Feldhouse
Andy Flores
Patrick J. Foley
Bruce Fortune
Cameron Frankley
Chris Freres
Scot Gaal
Joseph Gallo
Mark M Galvin
Orlando Garcia
Jana Lynn Gold
Gary B. Goldman
George Gonzalez
Kathrine Gordon
Marilyn Graf
Patricia Graf
Patricia Graf
Robert Grand
Jennifer Greenfield
Kimberly Guenther
William Guerre
Mike Gunning
Kimberly Gunther
Michael Gurasich
Jeffrey J. Haboush
Bob Hagman
Michael Harbour
Robin Harlan
Julie Herman
Phil Hetos
Steven Hiller
Tony Hobbs
James C Hoffman
James A Hogan
Aaron C Holden
Frank Holgate
James Newton Howard
James Newton Howard
Jen Howard
John Hudecek
Rachel Hudgins
Stephen Hurley
Christine Hurrey
Dream Quest Images
Kenji Inouye
Frederick E Irving
Gina Isaacs
Edward A Jackson
Pamela Jaeckle
Jack Johnson
William T Jones
Artie Kane
Robert J Kelter
Erin Kemp
Brendan Kennedy
Bob Kenney
Greg Kittelson
Tommy Klines
Emily Koch
Howard W. Koch Jr.
Jono Kouzouyan
Scott Kowalchyk
Tom Kramer
Robyn L Kreger
Keith A Kropf
Douglas Kunin
Kevin Landry
Ted E Larkowski
Scott Larue
Bob Laughlin
Rick Lefevour
Farrel Levy
Morgan Michael Lewis
Rick Lopez
Matt Luber
Tom Lucas
Gary Lucchesi
Anthony J Lullo
Ray Lykins
Skip Macdonald
Kacy Magdman
Mark Mamalakis
Mark Marcum
Dee Marcus
Courtenay Marvin
Michael Mason
Quentin Matthys
Lori Mcclellen
Robert Mcminn
Donald Rio Mcnichols
Carol Meikle
Steven B. Melton
Leslie Mikol
Tony Milch
Karen Miller
Theresa Repola Mohammed
Sarah Monat
Fae Moore
Matthew W. Mungle
Shawn Murphy
John Murrah
Donald Navarrette
Randall Newsome
Gerald F Nichols
Phill Norman
Lisa Olin
David Olson
Jeannine Oppewall
Ernie Orsatti
Noon Orsatti
Tom Osman
Tyler Osman
Lucille Ouyang
Jesus Padilla
John Panzarella
Tyler Patton
Brian Pawlowski
Jeff Payne
Ron Phillips
Denney Pierce
Walter Piers
Mark Poll
Joel Prihoda
R Bruce Prochal
Wendi Jill Raderman
John Rash
John Redmond
Sharron Reynolds
Jeff Richman
Steven Rigamat
Bill Roe
Carin Rogers
David Rosenbloom
Arnold Rudnick
Thomas P Ryba
Jeffrey M Sacino
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Supporting Actor
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video October 15, 1996
Released in United States Spring April 3, 1996
Frances McDormand replaced Mary McDonnell in the role of Dr. Molly Arrington.
Feature directorial debut for nine-time Emmy Award-winning television producer/director Gregory Holbit whose credits include: "Hill Street Blues," "L.A. Law" and "NYPD Blue."
Edward Norton received the 1996 award for Best Supporting Actor from the Boston Society of Film Critics for his performances in "Primal Fear" (USA/1996), "Everyone Says I Love You" (USA/1996) and "The People vs. Larry Flynt" (USA/1996).
Edward Norton received the 1996 award for Best Supporting Actor from the Los Angeles Film Critics Association for his performances in "Primal Fear" (USA/1996), "Everyone Says I Love You" (USA/1996) and "The People vs. Larry Flynt" (USA/1996).
Edward Norton received the 1996 award for Best Supporting Actor from the National Board of Review for his performances in "Primal Fear" (USA/1996) "Everyone Says I Love You" (USA/1996) and "The People vs. Larry Flynt" (USA/1996).
Began shooting April 28, 1995.
Completed shooting July 12, 1995.
Released in United States Spring April 3, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 15, 1996