Disney's The Kid
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jon Turteltaub
Toshiya Agata
Dusan Fager
John Travis
Larry King
Spencer Breslin
Film Details
Technical Specs
Russ Duritz is a high-powered, successful "image consultant" whose life is suddenly turned upside down when he magically meets Rusty, himself as an 8-year-old child. Rusty is a sweet, but slightly geeky, awkward little kid who painfully reminds Russ of everything he hated about himself when he was a child--a pudgy little crybaby who was the daily victim of the school bullies--an image Russ has worked hard to overcome and consciously forget. Ironically the kid is also unhappy with who his 40-year-old self has turned out to be. He is not at all impressed by his attractive physique, wealth or seemingly important accomplishments. He can't understand the concept of Russ' job as an image consultant, or why he has forgotten about their dreams of becoming a pilot. All he knows is that he grows up to be a 40-year-old loser--an adult without a wife or even a dog!
Jon Turteltaub
Toshiya Agata
Dusan Fager
John Travis
Larry King
Spencer Breslin
Jean Smart
Daniel Von Bargen
Elizabeth Arlen

Bruce Willis
Stanley Anderson
Brian Mcgregor
Kevon Edmonds
Vernée Watson-johnson
Joshua Finkel
Scott Mosenson
Emily Mortimer
Darrell Foster
Melissa Mccarthy
E. J. Callahan
Daryl Anderson

Juanita Moore
Brian Mclaughlin
Stuart Scott
Maxine Waters-willard
Julia Waters
Lou Beatty
Esther Scott
Jan Hoag
Reiley Mcclendon
Alexandra Barreto
Stephanie Spruill
Nick Chinlund
Chi Mcbride

Lily Tomlin
Susan Dalian
Rich Eisen
Jeri Lynn Ryan
Brian Tibbetts
Deborah May
Dana Ivey
Rod Mclachlan
Harold Greene
Marc Copage
Michael Wajacs
Jason Bedig
Steve Tom
John Apicella
Brian Fenwick
Rick Adami
Eric S Adamson
Don Addrisi
Richard Addrisi
Eddie Adolph
Ellen Adolph
Jon Aghassian
H. Leah Amir
Richard Anderson
Frank Annunziata
Pete Anthony
Pete Anthony
Michael Apperson
Daniel Arkin
The Association
Jeff Atmajian
Lee Auerbach
Bill Aylsworth
Hank Barrio
Alec Bartsch
Robert Batha
Chris Beal-permel
Scott Beattie
Samantha Bennahum
Frank Bennett
Bruce Benson
Bruce Benson
Bryan Blackburn
David Blitstein
David Booth
Alasdair Boyd
Tim Boyle
Janet Brady
Judith Brown
Jeanette Browning
Sue Brunell-edwards
Bobby Burton
Erika Wangberg Burton
David Bush
Kelly Cabral
Kate Callaghan
Marc Canas
Richard Cantu
Gary Capo
Gary Capo
Charisse Cardenas
Jacqueline Carlson
Brett Carroll
Alexander J Castillo
Kevin Cerchiai
Doc D Charbonneau
Nick Chinlund
Betsy Chory
Pamela Choules
Jim Christopher
Janice Clayton
Bonnie Clevering
Harvey Cohen
Ralph Coleman
Keith Collea
Jana Conley
Brian Connor
Chris Cornwell
Chris Corrado
Bri Corry
Kirk Corwin
Lauren Cory
Pierre Cour
Michael Lionello Cowan
Jay Cox
Steve Craft
Carlos Cunha
Gary Dahlquist
Michael Dahlquist
Sandy De Crescent
Donavan F Dear
Dave Deever
Dave Degaetano
Paolo Jose Deguzman
David Depalo
Peter Devlin
Larry Dias
Eddy Donno
Dave Drulias
Richard Dwan
Mark Eads
Stephen J Eads
Rich Eisen
Annie Ellis
David Ellis
William M Elvin
William M Elvin
Kenny Endoso
Victor Ennis
Michael S. Epley
William Fadness
Dusan Fager
Danielle Fenati
Ricardo F Ferrat
Cynthia Feyrer
Dominique Fichera
Kevin Fitzgerald
Cliff Fleming
Cory Fleming
Donald Flick
Paul Flinchbaugh
Rachel Flores
Chauncey B Forward
Darrell Foster
Bobby L Fowler
Ian Fox
Robert S Frank
Marcie Friedman
Gerry Ganger
James W Gavin
Carrey Gibbons
Cody Gill
Jack Gill
Michael D Gillis
Daniel J Gillooly
Don Givens
Aaron Glascock
Lina Godouse
Gail Goldberg
Lisa Goldberg
Stanley Gonsales
Paul Gonsoulin
Orlando R Gonzales
Ron Goodman
Jarek Gorczycki
Scott Gordon
Marie Elena Grado
Laura Graham
Harold Greene
Gloria Gresham
Chris Gutierrez
Jeffrey M. Hall
Steve Halloday
R Dana Harlow
Catherine Harper
Thomas Robinson Harper
Barbara Harris
Heather Harris
James Healy
Scott Herring
Julie Hewett
Daren Hicks
Heather Hillmeyer-newsom
Steve Hinton
Hilda Hodges
Patrick R. Hoeschen
Peter Honess
Zoe Hopkins
Craig Hosking
Thomas J Huff
Melanie Hughes-weaver
John Huikku
Kenton Hulme
Jennifer Hunt
Jeff Imada
Gary Jackson
Pat Jackson
Terry Jackson
Cinda Lin James
Amindra Jayasinghe
Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson
Thomas R Johnston
Melanie P. Jones
Troy Junge
Mike Justus
Gloria Kaiser
Doc Kane
Gary Kelso
Mitchell Kenney
Tony Kerum
Brian King
Larry King
Henry Kingi
Mark Kirkland
Daryl Klein
Steve Koster
Christian Krieger
Jon Kull
Brian Lafrance
Tom Lamont
Linda Larmon
Leonard Larosa
Hal Lary
Carolyn Lassek
David S. Lazan
Gary A. Lee
Carolyn Leigh
Robert Leitelt
Albert M Lewis
Kim Lincoln
Kimaree Long
Neil Looy
Stephen Lotwis
Hunt Lowry
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 7, 2000
Released in United States on Video January 16, 2001
Began shooting January 18, 2000.
Completed shooting April 7, 2000.
Released in United States Summer July 7, 2000
Released in United States on Video January 16, 2001