Fast, Cheap and Out of Control

1h 20m 1997

Brief Synopsis

Errol Morris's meditation on the myth of Sisyphus profiles four esoteric professionals -- a topiary gardener (George Mendonca), a lion tamer (Dave Hoover), a robot scientist (Rodney Brooks) and a mole-rat photographer (Ray Mendez). Though each is in a separate world, Morris asks us to contemplate wh

Film Details

Also Known As
Fast Cheap and Out of Control, Fast, Cheap and Out of Control
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
October Films; Sony Pictures Classics

Technical Specs

1h 20m


Errol Morris's meditation on the myth of Sisyphus profiles four esoteric professionals -- a topiary gardener (George Mendonca), a lion tamer (Dave Hoover), a robot scientist (Rodney Brooks) and a mole-rat photographer (Ray Mendez). Though each is in a separate world, Morris asks us to contemplate what makes them four-of-a-kind, as his film explores the metaphysical meeting point between the animal, the mechanical and the human.

Film Details

Also Known As
Fast Cheap and Out of Control, Fast, Cheap and Out of Control
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
October Films; Sony Pictures Classics

Technical Specs

1h 20m



Miscellaneous Notes

Winner of the 1997 award for Best Documentary from the Boston Society of Film Critics.

Winner of the 1997 award for Best Documentary from the National Board of Review.

Winner of the 1997 award for Best Non-Fiction Film from the New York Film Critics Circle.

Released in United States 1997

Released in United States Fall October 3, 1997

Released in United States January 1997

Released in United States November 1997

Released in United States October 1997

Released in United States on Video June 23, 1998

Shown at Denver International Film Festival October 23-30, 1997.

Shown at International Festival of Young Cinema (Americana) in Turin, Italy November 14-22, 1997.

Shown at New York Film Festival September 26 - October 12, 1997.

Shown at Telluride Film Festival August 29 - September 1, 1997.

Sony Pictures Classics acquired North American distribution rights at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival for a reported sum of six-figures.

Began shooting June 1, 1992.

Completed shooting late September 1992.

Released in United States 1997 (Shown at New York Film Festival September 26 - October 12, 1997.)

Released in United States 1997 (Shown at Telluride Film Festival August 29 - September 1, 1997.)

Released in United States January 1997 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 16-26, 1997.)

Released in United States on Video June 23, 1998

Released in United States November 1997 (Shown at International Festival of Young Cinema (Americana) in Turin, Italy November 14-22, 1997.)

Released in United States Fall October 3, 1997

Released in United States October 1997 (Shown at Denver International Film Festival October 23-30, 1997.)