Event Horizon
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Paul W.s. Anderson
Laurence Fishburne
Sam Neill
Kathleen Quinlan
Joely Richardson
Richard T. Jones
Film Details
Technical Specs
The year is 2047 and a rescue mission has been sent to salvage the Event Horizon, a ship missing for the last seven years. Only when the rescue team is in deep space, does Dr Weir, the ship's designer, reveal that everything they know about the ship is a lie. He explains that that Event Horizon was designed for faster than light travel and that the ship disappeared after her gravity drive, her revolutionary engineering process, was engaged. After playing the ship's onboard recording device, the sounds of terrified shrieks and wails hint at the nightmarish fate that befell the crew, a nightmare the rescue team will soon encounter themselves.
Paul W.s. Anderson
Robin Vidgeon
Mike Proudfoot
Vadim Jean
Laurence Fishburne

Sam Neill
Kathleen Quinlan
Joely Richardson
Richard T. Jones
Noah Huntley
Robert Jezek
Holley Chant
Jason Isaacs
Jack Noseworthy
Sean Pertwee
Barclay Wright
Peter Marinker
Ross Adams
Justine Adlington
Michael Alaimo
Matteo Aliberti
David Allday
Steven B Allen
David Allum
Colin Alway
Alan Andrews
Darren Andrews
Deborah Aquila
Brigitte Arnold
Campbell Askew
Martin Astles
Martin Atkinson
Jill Avery
Jim Barr
Jim Barr
Roderick Barron
Denise Baseley
Clive Beard
Joanna Beckett
John Benn
Al Bennett
Joseph Bennett
Alex Bicknell
Adam Biddle
Adrian Biddle
Zoe Black
Maureen Blume
Brent Boates
Jeremy Bolt
Ashley Bond
David Bonneywell
Richard Bouen
George Boulton
Andy Bowman
Marc Boyle
David Brighton
Christopher S Brooks
Andy Brown
Colin Brown
Sonia Calvert
Martin Cantwell
Tim Caplan
Charles Cash
Jason Chalmers
Craig Chamberlain
Eric Chamberlain
Mike Chambers
Colin Chapman
Dave Child
Colin Childs
Diane Christian
Penny Christopher
Dan Class
Patrick Clayton
Sean Clayton
Paul Clemente
Tom Collins
Pat Conran
Nuala Conway
Paul Conway
Ian Corbould
Neil Corbould
Paul Corbould
Colin Corby
Laurent Cordier
Mark Coulier
David Cozens
Jayne Craig
Kenny Crouch
David Croucher
Matthew D'angibau
Ken Dailey
Peter Dansie
Alexandra Day
Kevin Day
Sarah Dean
Lee Deary
Tom Debenham
Gary Donoghue
Mike Dowson
George Duffield
Catherine Duncan
Michael Dunleavy
Paul Dunn
Paddy Eason
Tempest Edwards
Philip Eisner
Sander Ellers
Paul Elman
Philip Elton
Alfie Emmins
General Screen Enterprises
Simon Eves
Jon Fallows
Carlos Fidel
Lisa A Fisher
Ian Fishlock
John Flemming
Lisbeth Fouse
Pauline Fowler
Colin Fox
Rhun Francis
Vic Fraser
Katie Gabriel
Martin Gabriel
Frank Gallego
William Gallego
Yezid O Gallego
Mark Gardiner
Malcolm Garrett
Steve Gerard
Adrian Getley
Chris Gibbons
Brian Gibbs
Alex Gibson
Nick Gillott
Kevin Gilmartin
Terry Glass
Samantha Glen
Mark Godderidge
Larry Gordon
Adam Green
Richard Gregory
Ben Hall
Tamzine Hanks
Mark Harris
Simon Harris
Mark Harrison
David Harvey
Paul Hatchman
Guy Heeley
Kevin Herd
Chas Hewitt
Catherine Heys
Pauline Heys
David Hilton
Simon Hinkly
Sandra Hodge
Mark Holmes
Tracey Holmes
Sue Howard
Lubo Hristov
John Hubbard
Ros Hubbard
Dean Humphreys
David Hunter
Martin Hunter
Joel Hynek
Nick Ingman
John Ireland
Robert Ireland
Craig Irving
Sarah Isherwood
Cedric James
Duncan Jarman
Paul Jennings
Teresa Johnson
Bryce Johnstone
Barrie Stjon Jones
Tracy Jordan
Don Jose
Michael Kamen
Michael Kamen
Michael Kamen
Stephanie Kaye
Malcolm Keane
Bob Keen
Duncan Kinnaird
Phil Knight
Carol Kupisz
Mark Lafbery
Michael Lamont
Simon Lamont
John Lanzer
Sharon Lark
Deborah Leakey
Mike Lear
Lloyd Levin
Jane Lewis
Kim Libreri
Peter Lindstrom
Ben Link
Derek Lomas
Ray Lovell
Nick Lowe
Tommy Lowen
Roz Lowrie
Lee Lighting Ltd
John Lynch
Jim Machin
Clive Mackey
Ian Madison
David Mann
Alan Martin
John Maskall
Giles Masters
Stuart Mcara
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video January 27, 1998
Released in United States Summer August 15, 1997
Began shooting November 18, 1996.
Completed shooting March 24, 1997.
Released in United States on Video January 27, 1998
Released in United States Summer August 15, 1997