Courage Under Fire
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Edward Zwick
Armand Darrius
Zeljko Ivanek
Ken Jenkins
Christina Stojanovich
Jack Watkins
Film Details
Technical Specs
While serving in the Persian Gulf at Al Bathra, Lt. Colonel Nathanial Serling gives the order to fire at what he believes is an enemy T-54 tank and is horrified to learn that he's destroyed one of his own tanks, killing several of Serling's own men. As the military conducts a hushed investigation into this incident of "friendly fire" Serling is reassigned to a job in Awards and Decorations at the Pentagon and ordered to review Capt. Karen Walden's candidacy for a Medal of Honor, to be awarded to the Medevac pilot for her "courage under fire." The honor, unhappily, is to be posthumous. Expected to expedite the inquiry and rubber-stamp the approval for the Medal, Serling instead finds himself unavoidably drawn into her crew's conflicting stories regarding Walden's actions during a rescue mission. Serling begins to suspect a much more complicated tale, perhaps even a cover-up. In a desperate race against time, he must not only find the truth, but somehow manage to preserve his honor.
Armand Darrius
Zeljko Ivanek
Ken Jenkins
Christina Stojanovich
Jack Watkins
Patrick Young
Lucky Luciano
Bob Apisa
Bronson Pinchot
Sean Patrick Thomas
Jeffrey Waid
David Mcswain

Matt Damon
Kyle Mickaelian
John Roarke
Erica C Newman

Denzel Washington
Richard Venture
Sean Astin
Michael Dolan
Bruce Mcgill
Daniel Gonzalez
Julius Carter
Mark Adair-rios
Kathleen Widdoes
Amy Hathaway
Seth Gilliam
Michael Moriarty
Regina Taylor
Reed Frerichs
Jimmy Pickens
Tim Ransom
Ned Vaughn

Diane Baker

Meg Ryan
Albert Hall
Matthew Sigloch
Manny Perez
Tim Guinee
Robert Sica
Michole Briana White
Scott Glenn
Jamal A Mays
James Morse
Ashlee Jordan Pryor
Tom Schanley

Lou Diamond Phillips
Rory Aylward
Erik Anderson
Pete Antico
Christopher Assells
Terry Atchison
Rory Aylward
Karen M. Baker
Dick Bayard
Anna Behlmer
Lon Bender
Maxine Bergen
Cliff Bergman
Richard Berman
Cliff Bernay
Mike Billow
Scott Blackwell
Stanley Blackwell
Bob Bornstein
Bob Bowman
Ben Bray
Caroline Brock
Brooke Brooks
Robin Brown
Robin Budd
Burt Burnam
Lange Burnett
Gary Burritt
Willie Burton
Buzzy Burwell
Jaime L Cabrera
Joseph M Caracciolo
Lisa Carey
Mike Carroll
Dwight Cary
Michael R Casey
John Cenatiempo
Debra Martin Chase
Larry M. Cherry
Gary Clark
Gary Clause
Peter Clemence
Karen E Collins
Jack Colmenero
Mary Colquhoun
William Conner
Joseph Conti
Bryan Cooke
Stephen Cooper
Skip Cosper
Kurt Courtland
Barbara Crow
James Crowley
Gerrit Dagremond
Valerie Davidson
John P Davis
John Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Roger Deakins
Roger Deakins
Ismael Deandra
Kim Derry
Bruce Donnellan
Rob Doumitt
Billy Dowd
Jeffrey Downer
Jessica Drake
Patrick Duncan
Syd Dutton
Tom Eckelberry
Marty W Eichmann
James Etheridge
Marcia Evers
John Fagan
Tres Falls
Ann Fisher
Cliff Fleming
Richard Ford
David Friendly
Dino Ganziano
Scott Garcia
Linda Gasco
Michael Gaspar
Rick Gentz
Scott Gershin
Cathy Mickel Gibson
Don Givens
Jane Goldsmith
Robert J Goldstein
Grande Gonzalez
Jorge J. Gonzalez
Mark S Gordon
David J. Grant
John Graysmark
Tim Grossclose
Per Hallberg
Penny Lee Hallin
James Halty
Bruce Hamme
William Hankins
Andy Harris
Mark Harris
Robert Wayne Harris
Dan Hegeman
Jim Henrikson
Curtis Herbert
Chuck Herrmann
Sally Hershberger
Phil Hess
Ellen Heuer
Steven Hiller
James Horner
James Horner
Karla Ingebretsen
Steve Isbell
Al Itzkoff
Edison Jackson
Guy Jackson
Craig Jaeger
Michael Jamison
Francine Jamison-tanchuck
M Evan Jensen
David Jobe
Dean Johnsen
David Jones
Gail Just
Chris Kahn
Cathy Kanavy
Peter Karp
Jeff Kay
Liz Keigley
Steve Kelso
William D Kennedy
Kelly Kerby
Josh Kesselman
Nancy Jane King
Lou Kleinman
Jeremy Knaster
Key Kolb
Valerie Mickaelian Kucera
Peter Kuran
John Lacy
Robert Leighton
Tammy Lema
Marvin E. Lewis
Steve Ligorio
Mitch Lillian
Dianne Linn
Joe Lombardi
Paul Lombardi
Marcus O Lopez
Leonard Lucas
James Maloy
Jennifer Mann
David Marquette
Charlie Marroquin
Jesse G Martin
Elizabeth Marx
Fumi Mashimo
Joe Mayer
Mimi N Mcgreal
Dylan Mckenna
Peter Mckernan
Fred Mclane
Barbara Mesney
Rexford Metz
John D. Milinac
Arthur Miller
Jeff Miller
Mike Milliken
Michael Mills
Monoque Mitchell
James Mize
Alex Montez
Bill Moore
Hector Morales-lozano
Andrea Moraz
Jacque Morgan
Chris Moriana
Philip D. Morrill
Alan Munro
Shawn Murphy
Paul Neesan
Andy Nelson
Mary C Nelson
Andrew Neskoromny
Billy O'leary
Alan Oliney
Robert Olmstead
Barbara Olvera
Mark Ormandy
Michael Papac
Kellie Parks
Ann Hollingsworth Patrie
David Peterson
Mari Phillips
Rudy Pi
Steve Picerni
Brian Pierson
Juan Priego
Liz Probst
Joe E. Rand
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 12, 1996
Released in United States on Video March 4, 1997
Denzel Washington reportedly received approximately $10 million to star. Meg Ryan reportedly received around $6 million to co-star opposite Washington.
Denzel Washington reportedly received approximately $10 million to star. Meg Ryan reportedly received around $6 million to co-star opposite Washington.
Completed shooting January 31, 1996.
Began shooting October 16, 1995.
Released in United States Summer July 12, 1996
Released in United States on Video March 4, 1997