25th Hour
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Spike Lee
Julie Andrews
Michael Hext
Rachel Bolt
Skaila Kanga
Gary Kettel
Film Details
Technical Specs
The clock is ticking on Monty Brogan's freedom--in 24 hours he goes to prison for seven long years. Once a king of Manhattan, Monty is about to say goodbye to the life he knew--a life that opened doors in New York's swankiest clubs but also alienated him from the people closest to him. In his last day on the outside, Monty tries to reconnect with with his father, who's never given up on his son, and gets together with his two closest friends from the old days, Jacob and Slaughtery. Also in the mix is his girlfriend, Naturelle, who (or might not) have been the one who tipped off the cops. Monty's not sure of much these days. But with time running out, there are a lot of choices to be made.

Spike Lee
Julie Andrews
Michael Hext
Rachel Bolt
Skaila Kanga
Gary Kettel
Frank Decurtis
James Mcleod
Levani Uchaineshvili
Igor Zhivotovsky
Jackie Shave
Rodney Jackson
Paul Kegg
R L Brazil
Isiah Whitlock
Howards Crowns
Michole Briana White
Everton Nelson
Rita Manning
Radu Spinghel
Frank Ricotti
Kathy Shave
Patrick Illig
Rebecca Hirsch
Rosario Dawson
Mike Thompson
Mark Berrow
Vanessa Ferlito
David Pyatt
Leon Bosch
Andy Findon
Tim Grant
Don Mcvay
Maurice Murphy
Gill Thoday
Simon Fischer
David Daniels
Luis Jardim
Mary Scully
Terence Blanchard
Ian Balmain
Misha Kuznetsov
Jonathan Rees
Bill Benham
Oleg Aleksandrovich Prudius

Philip Seymour Hoffman
Al Mccoy
Peter James Kelsch
Anna Paquin
Martin Loveday
Gustav Clarkson
Carl Allen
Manickam Yogeswaran
Jamil Mullen
Brian Cox
Brad Williams
Cynthia Darlow
Cathy Giles
Andy Crowley
Kathryn Tickell
Bruce White
Christine Pepe
Lawrence Bullock
Owen Slade
Patrick Kiernan
Simon Benson
Ed Rubeo
John Parricelli
Keith Nobbs
Chris Laurence
Michael Wilks
Jonathan Tunnell
Paddy Lannigan
Felicia Finley
Benedict Cruft
Daniel R Reton
Tony Siragusa
Aaron Stanford
Julian Leaper
Caroline O'neil
Paul Diomede
Paul Clarvis
Warren Zielinski
Nicholas Bucknall
Nick Cooper
Boguslav Kostecki
Robin Firman
Richard Watkins
Robert White
Zoe Lake
Katie Wilkinson
Brandon Owens
Chris Tombling
Gareth Hulse
Gavyn Wright
Edward Simon
Perry Montague-mason
Peter Davies
Marc H Simon
David Fuest
Maja Niles
Patrice O'neal
Al Palagonia

Edward Norton
Peter Lale
Liz Watson
Bob Smissen
Sue Bohling
Armando Riesco
Michael Genet
Barry Pepper
Larissa Drekonja
Anthony Pleeth
Coati Mundi
Frank Schaefer
Anna Abbey
Thomas Ahlers
James C Allen
Monica Allen
Stuart Allen
Brian Alveson
Vashti Anderson
Robert M Andres
Ernie Aquavella
Frida Aradottir
Albert Aranda
Tony Arnaud
Alexis Arnold
Godofredo Astudillo
Jon Bailey
Richard J. Ball
Randall Balsmeyer
Bill Barclay
Ann Barnard
Shante V Barros
Michael Barry
Bobby Bastarache
Robert Baumgartner
Charley Beal
Davie Beard
John Beauvais
Amy Bell
Jim Belletier
Braden Belmonte
David Benioff
David Benioff
Charles Bennis
Patrick Bentz
Steve Berens
Steve Berens
Pamela Berkeley
Debbie Bilski
Randy Bilski
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Terra Bliss-alvarez
Leslie Bloome
Jo Edna Boldin
David Boulton
Steve Bowen
Todd Bozung
John Brady
Joanna Brett
Rolland M. Brooks
Gerard Broussard
Barry Alexander Brown
Garf Brown
Michael Buck
Peter Bundrick
Gary Burch
Robin Burgess
Terrence Laron Burke
Teresa Burlin
Greg Cahill
Tod Cambell
George Campbell
Jorge Campoverde
Michael D Canale
Brian Cantaldi
Caesar Carnevale
Danny Carpenter
Shari Carpenter
Donna Carter
Dwight Cary
Andrew Casey
David Chacon
Kam Chan
Julia Chasman
Riq Chavez
Oliver Cheetham
John Cherico
Betty Chin
James Chinlund
K A Chisholm
Sowoon S Cho
Don Ciana
Douglas Cluff
Linda Cohen
Aisha Coley
Benjamin Conable
Benjamin Conable
Peter Connors
Dennis Cook
Mary Cook
Logan Cooper
Janette C. Cosby
Marko Costanzo
Mitchell Coughlin
Charlie Coulter
John Coumarbatch
Lamont Crawford
Sam Craytor
John Cremin
John Crowley
April Crump
Lynn Culbertson
Colin Cumberbatch
Mark Cunningham
Theda Cunningham
Benjamin Dailey
Tainese Davis
Ana Maria De Souza Dantas
Terence Dean
Rafael Del Toro
Claribel Delgado
Stuart Deutsch
Joan Devilla
Kenny Dezendorf
Drew Dillard
James A Dolan
Howard Drossin
Joe N Dye
Rochelle Edelson
Edward James Egan
Kevin Egan
Mike Ellis
Kris Enos
Benny Estrada
Marcia Evers
Chris Fielder
Sandi Figueroa
Stephen Finkin
Dan Fisher
Frank Fisher
Geoff Foster
Rayshawna Fraser
Vic Fraser
John A Frick
Samuel Friedman
Alison Froling
Anthony Fung Rai
Rod Gailes
Bobito Garcia
Marcial Garlitos
Sean Garnhart
Emily Gaunt
Cecile George
William J Girard
Melvin Glover
Wayne Marc Godfrey
Sonia Gonzalez
Carl Gouan
Gina Grande
Daniel G Grant
Rhonney Greene
George Grenier
Kevin P Griffin
Isobel Griffiths
Jessica Griswold
William Groom
Charles Grubbs
Carlos Guerra
Ulysses Guidotti
Matt Haasch
Barbara Haberecht
Dwayne Habvischorn
David Hack
Kwabena Haffar
Tommy A Hair
Chris Hamala
Antonio Hardy
James E Harris
Scott Hartley
Richard Hebrank
Sandra Hernandez
Robert Hicks
Tracey Hinds
Mike Hitch
Paul Hogan
Chris Holbrook
Marshall Hopkins
Charlynne Hopson
Mike Hornett
T W John House
Cliff Hunt
Jeanine Hunter
Akeo Ihara
Chad Jackson
Chris Jackson
Edison Jackson
Rodney Jackson
Joe Jammen
Gary Jay
Willow Jenkins
Thomas Jirgal
Eddie Joe
Hardwick Johnson
Rob M Johnson
Billy Ray Jones
Greg Jones
Steven Juliani
Tom Kalbfleisch
Cathy Kanavy
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter December 19, 2002
Expanded Release in United States January 10, 2003
Released in United States on Video May 20, 2003
Released in United States February 2003
Shown at the Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 6-16, 2003.
Released in United States Winter December 19, 2002
Expanded Release in United States January 10, 2003
Released in United States on Video May 20, 2003
Released in United States February 2003 (Shown at the Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 6-16, 2003.)
Based on the novel "The 25th Hour," written by David Benioff.